IES 1248 Support Notes
What is the maximum line rate of IES1248 ?
It can support ADSL2+, so line rate can reach to 1.2Mbps in upstream direction and 25 Mbps in downstream in a short distance.
How many management instances can access
Only one console, one WEB GUI and four telnet accounts can access IES at the same time.
What is the difference between IES1248-71 and IES1248-73 ?
What is the power requirement of IES- 1248?
•Power Input is
•Maximum power consumption is 90W.
What kind of the DSL standard does IES1248 compliant ?
•ADSL : G.992.1, G.992.2, T1.413 issue 2, G.lite
•ADSL 2 : G.992.3, G.992.4
•ADSL 2+ : G.992.5.
What is the ADSL chipset of IES1248?
Centillium Maximus
What is the Network Processor of IES1248 ?
Wintegra’s WinPath787D4
How many Flash memory and SDRAM that IES 1248 supports?
•Flash memory : 4Mbytes
•SDRAM : 64Mbytes
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