User Account

16.1 Overview

You can configure system password for different user accounts in the User Account screen.

16.2 The User Account Screen

Use the User Account screen to configure system password.

Click Maintenance > User Account to open the following screen.

Figure 59 Maintenance > User Account

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 49 Maintenance > User Account



User Name

You can configure the password for the Power User and Admin accounts.



Old Password

Type the default password or the existing password you use to access the system in this





New Password

Type your new system password (up to 30 characters). Note that as you type a password,


the screen displays a (*) for each character you type. After you change the password, use


the new password to access the LTE Device.



Retype to

Type the new password again for confirmation.






Click Apply to save your changes.




Click Cancel to restore your previously saved settings.





LTE6100 User’s Guide