Chapter 13 VPN






Table 37 IPSec VPN: Add







When you select IP in the Local ID field, type the IP address of your computer




in the Content field. If you configure the Content field to or leave it



blank, the LTE Device automatically uses the Pre-Share Key (refer to the Pre-



Share Key field description).



It is recommended that you type an IP address other than in the



Content field or use the DNS or E-mailID type in the following situations.



• When there is a NAT router between the two IPSec routers.



• When you want the remote IPSec router to be able to distinguish between



VPN connection requests that come in from IPSec routers with dynamic WAN



IP addresses.



When you select DNS or E-mailin the Local ID field, type a domain name or e-



mail address by which to identify this LTE Device in the Content field. Use up to



31 ASCII characters including spaces, although trailing spaces are truncated.



The domain name or e-mail address is for identification purposes only and can



be any string.






Remote ID

Select IP to identify the remote IPSec router by its IP address.



Select DNS to identify the remote IPSec router by a domain name.



Select E-mailto identify the remote IPSec router by an e-mail address.







The configuration of the remote content depends on the remote ID type.



For IP, type the IP address of the computer with which you will make the VPN



connection. If you configure this field to or leave it blank, the LTE Device



will use the address in the Secure Gateway Address field (refer to the Secure



Gateway Address field description).



For DNS or E-mail, type a domain name or e-mail address by which to identify



the remote IPSec router. Use up to 31 ASCII characters including spaces,



although trailing spaces are truncated. The domain name or e-mail address is for



identification purposes only and can be any string.



It is recommended that you type an IP address other than or use the



DNS or E-mailID type in the following situations:



• When there is a NAT router between the two IPSec routers.



• When you want the LTE Device to distinguish between VPN connection



requests that come in from remote IPSec routers with dynamic WAN IP









Security Protocol









Type your pre-shared key in this field. A pre-shared key identifies a



communicating party during a phase 1 IKE negotiation.



Type from 8 to 31 case-sensitive ASCII characters or from 16 to 62 hexadecimal



("0-9", "A-F") characters. You must precede a hexadecimal key with a "0x” (zero



x), which is not counted as part of the 16 to 62 character range for the key. For



example, in "0x0123456789ABCDEF", “0x” denotes that the key is hexadecimal



and “0123456789ABCDEF” is the key itself.





Advanced Setting - Phase 1



LTE6100 User’s Guide