Chapter 17 Bandwidth MGMT

17.2.3 Bandwidth Class Edit Screen

Use this screen to configure a bandwidth management class.

"For each interface, you must enable bandwidth management before you can configure classes.

To access this screen, click Add Sub-Class in Management > Bandwidth MGMT > Class Setup.

Figure 117 Management > Bandwidth MGMT > Class Setup > Edit

See Appendix G on page 339 for examples of services for which you might create bandwidth classes. Each field is described in the following table.

Table 92 Management > Bandwidth MGMT > Class Setup > Edit




This section lets you set the budget and priority for this class.



Class Name

Finish the auto-generated name, or enter a descriptive name up to 20


alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are allowed.



Bandwidth Budget

Enter the maximum bandwidth for the class, in kbps. The recommendation is 20 -


20000 kbps for each class.




Enter the priority of this class. The higher the number, the higher the priority. Legal


values are 0 - 7. The default setting is 3.





P-2302HWUDL-P1 Series User’s Guide