adding a printer example, Macintosh OS 240 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 109 alert settings 261
ALG 119
and SIP 119
ALG (Application Layer Gateway 119 alternative subnet mask notation 301 analog phone 141
Any IP note 109
Any IP example 108
Any IP feature 108
AP (Access Point) 79
application based bandwidth management 198 Application Layer Gateway, see ALG 119 auto attendant, and VoIP trunking 165
backing up configuration 275 backup gateway 104 bandwidth borrowing 201 bandwidth borrowing example 201 bandwidth classes 197 bandwidth filters 197
bandwidth management 197 and LAN 203
and WAN 203
and WLAN 204 application based 198 bandwidth classes 197 borrowing 201 budgeting 197 classes 205
over allotment 202 overview 197 priority 64
base station DECT 147
blinking LEDs 37 blocking calls 155
blocking services via firewall 184 borrowing bandwidth 201 browsing, to a file share 247
call blocking 155 call forwarding 155 call hold 142, 144
call rules, and VoIP trunking 163 call service mode 142, 143, 153 call transfer 143, 144
certifications 343
changing the password 40
CIFS (Common Internet File System) 244
and required bandwidth 132 and VoIP 131
hybrid waveform 132 waveform 131
coder/decoder, see also codecs 131
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