
and WEP 81, 84

and WPA 81, 87

and WPA-PSK 81, 85 AP 79

channels 83 clients 89, 90 enabling 83 encryption 81 general settings 83 modes 93 overview 79 recommendation 81 security 80 selecting security 83 SSID 80

terms explained 82 web configurator 82

WLAN security and encryption 81 and IEEE 802.1x 80 and SSID 80

MAC address filter 80, 91 OTIST 82, 88 RADIUS 80, 86 recommendation 81 types of 81

user authentication 80 workgroup, and file sharing 244, 248 WPA 87


WPA compatible 81, 87

WPA-PSK configuration 85



P-2302HWUDL-P1 Series User’s Guide