
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 212 sound quality, and VoIP 131

specification tables 287 speed dial 157

spoofing the MAC address 55, 96

SSID 80 hiding 83

SSID (Service Set IDentity) 79 SSID and security 80 stateful inspection 179

static route 193 default 194 gateway 194 metric 195 overview 193

static WEP 81, 85 status bar 45 status indicators 37 storage humidity 287 storage temperature 287

STUN 130, 131 settings 138

STUN (Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) through Network Address Translators) 131

subnet 299

subnet mask 105, 300

subnet-based bandwidth management 198 subnets on the LAN 108

subnetting 302

supplementary phone services 141

supplementary services and DECT phones 150

syntax conventions 4 system name 253 system timeout 210


TCP/IP port 230

telephone keys, and DTMF 132 text file format 323

TFTP restrictions 209 three-way conference 143, 144

time resetting 258

ToS 133, 289 and VoIP 134

ToS (Type of Service) 133 Touch Tone® 132

trademarks 343 traffic logs 261 traffic redirect 103 triangle route solutions 182 trigger ports 118

trigger ports example 118 trigger ports process 118 trigger ports setup 122 trunking, VoIP 161

Type Of Service, see ToS 133 types of encapsulation 98 types of models 33


Uniform Resource Identifier, see SIP URI 127

Universal Plug and Play application 217 security issues 217

Universal Plug and Play Forum 218 Universal Plug and Play, see UPnP 217 unused & unbudgeted bandwidth 200 upgloading firmware 274

UPnP 227

and auto-discovery 221 and NAT 217 certification 218 installing example 218 overview 217

web configurator 227

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) 217 USA type call service mode 143


and file sharing 243 hard drive 243 printer sharing 229

USB features 35 USB printer 35

user agent, and SIP 128

user authentication and WLAN 80


VAD 141, 289

and silent packets 141

VAD (Voice Activity Detection) 141

Virtual Local Area Network, see VLAN 134 VLAN 134



P-2302HWUDL-P1 Series User’s Guide