Chapter 17 Remote Management Configuration
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
17.1.1 Remote Management Limitations
Remote management over LAN or WAN will not work when:
• You have disabled that service in one of the remote management screens.
• The IP address in the Secured Client IP field does not match the client IP address. If it
does not match, the P-660HWP-Dx will disconnect the session immediately.
• There is already another remote management session with an equal or higher priority
running. You may only have one remote management session running at one time.
• There is a firewall rule that blocks it.
17.1.2 Remote Management and NAT
When NAT is enabled:
• Use the P-660HWP-Dx’s WAN IP address when configuring from the WAN.
• Use the P-660HWP-Dx’s LAN IP address when configuring from the LAN.
17.1.3 System Timeout
There is a default system management idle timeout of five minutes (three hundred seconds).
The P-660HWP-Dx automatically logs you out if the management session remains idle for
longer than this timeout period. The management session does not time out when a statistics
screen is polling.
17.2 WWWTo change your P-660HWP-Dx’s World Wide Web settings, click Advanced > Remote
MGMT to display the WWW screen.
Figure 136 Remote Management: WWW