VSG-1200 User’s Guide


Secure Socket Layer

This chapter shows you how to setup and enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security on the VSG.

25.1 About SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security is a standard Internet protocol for secure communications that uses a combination of certificate-based authentication and public-key encryption. SSL protects data transfer between the web configurator on the VSG and the web browser on a connected computer.

With SSL security activated, data (such as user name and password) transferred between the VSG and the computer is protected when you access the VSG using a web browser that supports SSL.

25.1.1 Certificate

A digital certificate (also referred to as a certificate) contains the key owner’s name and public key, the name of the issuing certification authority, the certification authority’s digital signature and a certificate validity time limit and other optional information fields.

25.1.2 Certificate Authorities

A Certification Authority (CA) issues digital certificates and guarantees the identity of the certificate owner. When someone requests a certificate from a CA, the CA requires proof of identity. There are both commercial certificate authorities like CyberTrust and VeriSign, as well as government certificate authorities.

25.2 Downloading SSL Certificate to the VSG

After you apply for and receive a certificate from a certificate authority, import the certificate and the private key to the VSG.

Click System Tools and SSL Certificate in the navigation panel to display the screen as shown next.

Chapter 25 Secure Socket Layer