The Web Configurator
This chapter introduces how to access the web configurator and perform general system configuration.
3.1 Introducing the Web Configurator
The web configurator is best viewed with Internet Explorer (version 4.0 or above) or Netscape (version 6. or later).
Note: JavaScript support must be enabled.
3.2 Accessing the Web Configurator
Follow the steps below to access the web configurator.
Note: The VSG allows only one web configurator session at a time.
1Make sure your VSG is properly connected (refer to the instructions in Chapter 2, “Hardware Installation and Connection,” on page 35).
2Launch your web browser and type the WAN or LAN IP address of the VSG as the web site address. is the default IP address for the WAN port and is the default IP address for the LAN port.
3If you are using a different port number (between 8000 and 8099) for the web server, you must also append the port number to the WAN IP address separated with a colon “:”, for example,
Figure 8 Entering IP Address in Internet Explorer
Web site address
4A login screen displays. Type “admin” (default) as the administrator user name and "1234" (default) as the password and click Get Started.
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