VSG-1200 User’s Guide

CHAPTER 27 LAN and WAN Setup Using the


This chapter shows you how to configure the LAN and WAN settings on the VSG.

27.1 LAN and WAN Overview

Refer to Chapter 4, “LAN, WAN and Server Setup,” on page 53 for more information.

27.2 WAN Configuration

From the main menu, type 1 and press [ENTER] to display the System Configuration menu. The WAN Configuration menu varies depending on the selection in the WAN Type field.

27.2.1 Using a Static/Dynamic WAN IP Address

You can set the VSG to use a static (fixed) or dynamic IP address.

Figure 143 SMT: WAN Configuration: Static or Dynamic IP Address

WAN Type? (D/S/P/T)

WAN Configuration


IP Address


Subnet Mask




Primary DNS Server


Secondary DNS Server




Chapter 27 LAN and WAN Setup Using the SMT