• Neverplaceobjectsinsidetheblow- |
ertubes,vacuumtubesorblower |
outletAlwaysdirecttheblowingde.- |
brisawayfrompeople,animals, |
glass,andsolidobjectssuchas |
Stop coasting
blade by contact with cut material.
trees,automobiles,walls,etcThe. |
forceofaircancauserocks,dirt,or |
stickstobethrownortoricochet |
whichcanhurtpeopleoranimals, |
breakglass,orcauseotherdamage. |
• Neverrununitwithouttheproper |
equipmentattachedWhenusing. |
yourunitasablower,alwaysinstall |
blowertubes. |
• Checkairintakeopening,blower |
tubesorvacuumtubesfrequently, |
alwayswithenginestoppedand |
sparkplugdisconnectedKeep. |
ventsanddischargetubesfreeof |
debriswhichcanaccumulateand |
restrictproperairflow. |
• Neverplaceanyobjectinairintake |
openingasthiscouldrestrictproper |
airflowandcausedamagetothe |
unit. |
• Neveruseforspreadingchemicals, |
fertilizers,orothersubstanceswhich |
maycontaintoxicmaterials. |
• Toavoidspreadingfire,donotuse |
nearleaforbrushfires,fireplaces, |
barbecuepits,ashtrays,etc. |
all.WARNING: Inspect the area to be cut before each use. Remove ob-
jects (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which can be thrown or become entangled in the blade or trimmer line.
•Throw away and replace blades that are bent, warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any other way.
•Install required shield properly be-
fore using the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal blade use.
A0&WARNING: Only use brushcut-
ter attachments that provide a metal shield with protruding nose.
Protrudin g
_DANGER: | Blade can thrust vio- | • Use only specified blade and make |
lently away from material it does not cut. Blade thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs.
,_WARNING: | Do not use trimmer |
bead as a fastening device for the blade.
_WARNING: | The blade contin- |
ues to spin after the throttle is re- leased or engine is turned off. The coasting blade can throw objects or seriously cut you if accidentally touched. Stop the blade by contacting the right hand side of the coasting blade with material already cut.
sure it is properly installed and se- curely fastened.
•Cut from your right to your left.
•Always use the handlebar and a properly adjusted shoulder strap with blade (see ASSEMBLY instruc- tions in brushcutter attachment oper- ator's manual).
AO&WARNING: Rotating tines can
cause serious injury. Keep away from rotating tines. Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug before un- clogging tines or making repairs.
£.,, | Inspect the area to |
be cultivated before starting the unit. Remove all debris and hard and sharp