Craftsman 358.791031 Your Warranty Rights, Manufacturers Warranty, Ranty Responsibilities As

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OBLIGATIONS: The U.S. Environ-

mental Protection Agency/California

Air Resources Board and Sears, Roe-

buck and Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explain the emissions control system warranty on your year 2007 and later small off-road engine. In California, all small off-road engines must be de- signed, built, and equipped to meet

the State's stringent anti-smog stan- dards. Sears must warrant the emis-

sion control system on your small off- road engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper main- tenance of your small off-road engine. Your emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor, the ignition system and the fuel tank (California only). Where a warrantable condition exists, Sears will repair your small off- road engine at no cost to you. Ex- penses covered under warranty in- clude diagnosis, parts and labor.


COVERAGE: If any emissions related part on your engine (as listed under Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is defective or a defect in the ma-

terials or workmanship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission

related part, the part will be repaired or replaced by Sears. OWNER'S WAR-


small off-road engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your operator's manual. Sears recom- mends that you retain all receipts cov- ering maintenance on your small off- road engine, but Sears cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts

or for your failure to ensure the perfor- mance of all scheduled maintenance.

As the small off-road engine owner, you should be aware that Sears may deny you warranty coverage if your small off-road engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, neglect, im- proper maintenance, unapproved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equipment manufacturer. You are re- sponsible for presenting your small off-road engine to a Sears authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty repairs should be

completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.

If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibili-

ties, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call Sears

at 1-800-469-4663. WARRANTY

COMMENCEMENT DATE: The war- ranty period begins on the date the

small off-road engine is purchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE: This war-

ranty shall be for a period of two years

from the initial date of purchase.

WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or replacement of any warranted part will be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved Sears Service Center. If you have any questions re- garding your warranty rights and re-

sponsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or

call Sears at 1-800-469-4663. WAR-

RANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replace- ment as required maintenance, or which is scheduled only for regular in- spection to the effect of "repair or re- place as necessary" shall be war- ranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance shall be war- ranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner

shall not be charged for diagnostic la- bor which leads to the determination

that a warranted part is defective if the diagnostic work is performed at an ap-

proved Sears Service Center. CON- SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Sears

may be liable for damages to other engine components caused by the failure of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS NOT COVERED:

All failures caused by abuse, neglect,

or improper maintenance are not cov- ered. ADD-ON OR MODIFIED

PARTS: The use of add-on or modi- fied parts can be grounds for disallow-

ing a warranty claim. Sears is not li- able to cover failures of warranted

parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE A CLAIM: If you have any questions re- garding your warranty rights and re- sponsibilities, you should contact your


Image 20 Contents
Operators Manual Model NoONE Year Full Warranty on Craftsman GAS Weedwacker Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, ILKeepchildren,bystanders,animals 50feet15metersaway Reducetheriskoffireandserious 358.79108Brushcutterattachment 358.79244 Alwayskeepengineontheright handsideofyourbody WearhearingprotectionKeephandlesfreeofoilandfuel Flerbeservicedorreplacedbya SearsServiceCenterSPECIALNOTICEThisunitis FailuretodosoisaviolationoftheStickstobethrownortoricochet BlowertubesRestrictproperairflow UnitHedge Trimmer Safety Pole Pruner SafetyDisconnectattachmentfromthe Objectssuchasrocks,vines,branch- es,rope,string,etcSnow Thrower Safety Cartoncontents Checkcartoncontentsagainstthefol- lowinglist Handle Start LeverHOW to Start Your Unit SwitehBefore Starting Engine Starting a Cold EngineCraftsman Convertible TM Feature Installing Optional ATTACH- MentsStarting a Warm Engine Starting a Flooded EngineHOW to Stop Your Unit Operating InstructionsOperating Position Always Wear Trimmer Line AdvanceMaintenance Schedule RightTrimming MowingGeneral Recommendations BelsMuffler on this Muffler is very hotLine Replacement Carburetor AdjustmentIdle Speed Adjustment HolesStoreinacleandryarea LightlyoilexternalmetalsurfacesFuel System EngineTroubleshooting Table CauseRanty Responsibilities As Your Warranty RightsManufacturers Warranty Where to GET Warranty SER MAINTENANCE, Replacement and Repair of Emission REEmission Control Warranty 41 I 61 I 81Repair Parts T19t64Llk Warning Advertenoia Page Seguridad DEL Usuario IiaivertenciaInformacion DE Seguridad DEL Aparato Seguridad CON EL Combustible Seguridad DEL Aparato Y EN EL MantenimientoSiempre de Guridad Para Accesorios Transporte Y AlmacenamientoAviso Especial Su aparato viene Seguridad AL Cortar Bordes AdvertenciaSeguridad AL Propulsor DE AIRE/ASPIRADORA Seguridad AL Cortadora DE MalezasCortado DtADVERTENCIALacuchillasiNiendoencontactoelladederecho Lamismaconmaterialyacortado Seguridad AL CultivadorTengaoagarreelaparatoporlacuchilla.est& en movimiento RamasMontaje Seguridad AL Soplador DEADVERTENClA Nunca este Gire AprietanInstalacion DE LA Protector Ajuste DEL Mango Conozca SU AparatoBombeador Palanca DEL ArrancadorAntes DE Poner EN Marcha EL Motor ImportantePara Detener EL Motor Para Poner EN Marcha EL Motor AdvertenciaPara Arrancar CON EL Motor Caliente Arranque DE Motor AhogadoFuncion DE Craftsman Convertible Como Remover EL AccesorioPosicion DE USO Instalacion DEL AccesoriosInstrucciones DE USO Avance DE LA Ljnea DE Corte Metodos DE CorteCronograma DE Mantenimiento Recomendaciones GeneralesVerifique QUE no Haya FIJA- Dores NI Piezas Sueltas Verifique QUE no HAY.& Piezas Daiadas O GastadasSequeelaparatousandountrapo secoylimpio Limpie EL Filtro DEL AireReemplazo DE LA Linea Inspeccione EL Silenciador Y LA Rejilla AntichispasMarcha Lenta Ajuste AL CarburadorMantenga a Abastecimiento DEL Motor OtrosTabla Diagnostica SintomaSUS Derechos Y Obligaciones Modificadas SearsDANOSPORCONSECUEClA. Piezas RELAClONADAS CON LADasolamodificaci6ndepiezas Page Page MY-HOME Your Home