14.Donotover!cadthesnowthrowercapacity2. Store the snowthrower away from ignition
byattemptingtoclearsnowattoofasta |
| sources | or appliances | that | have a pilot | |||
rate. |
| light, such as hot water | and space heaters, | |||||
15. Neveroperatethesnowthrowerathigh |
| clothes | dryers, | etc.... | Allow | the engine | ||
transportspeedson slipperysurfaces. | (motor) to cool before storing | in any enclos- | ||||||
Lookbehindandusecarewhenbacking | ure. |
| |
up. | 3. | Always | refer to | operator's guide instruc- | ||||
16. Neverdirectdischargeatbystandersor |
| tions for | important details | if | the snow | |||
allowanyoneinfrontofthesnowthrower. | thrower | is | to be | stored for | an | extended | ||
17. Disengagepowertothecollector/impellerperiod. |
| ||
whensnowthroweristransportednotin | 4. | Maintain | or replace safety and instruction | |||||
use. |
18.Useonlyattachmentsandaccessoriesapprovedbythemanufacturerofthesnow- 5. Run the snow thrower a few minutes after thrower(suchastirechains,electricstart throwing snow to prevent
kits,ect.).auger/impeller.labels, as necessary.
19,Neveroperatethesnowthrowerwithout |
| ||
goodvisibilityorlight,Alwaysbesureof | _lb | WARNING:for use on sidewalks,This snow throwerdrivewaysis | ||||
yourfootingandkeepafirmholdonthe |
| and other | ground level surfaces. | |||
handlesWalk;neverrun. | . | Caution | should be exercised | while | using on | |
DO NOT USE | ||||||
andbalanceatalltimes, | SNOW THROWER | ON SURFACES | ABOVE | |||
21. Donotattempttousesnowthrowerona | GROUND | LEVEL | such as | roofs | of resi- | |
roof. |
dences, garages, porches or other such structures or buildings.
1. Check shear bolts and other bolts at fre-
quent intervals for proper tightness to be sure the snow thrower is in safe working condition.
IMPORTANT: Many of the following symbols are located on your snow thrower or on litera- ture supplied with the product. Before you operate the snow thrower, learn and understand the purpose for each symbol.
Slow | Fast | Electric | Start | Engine Start | Engine Run | |
| I |
| H N | |
Engine Off | Engine Stop | On | Choke | Off | Choke On | Neutral |
Throttle | Primer Button | Ignition Key | Ignition Off | Ignition On |