2. Setup Procedures
■When projecting with the Moderator function.
For details about Moderator function, refer to the “8. Use the Moderator Function.”
a Install “NetworkModule Client” into each client’s (participants except for the moderator) computers. For installation, refer to “■ When projecting via a selected computer which is connected to the LAN” (p.17).
s Click (Select) “NetworkModule Moderator” on the left side of the screen. d Click “Install NetworkModule Moderator”.
✳By clicking the “Launch NetworkModule Moderator”, you can activate the software directly from the
fInstall each software with following the instructions on the installation screen. g After the installation, the
will be added on the screen.
h Activate the program to confirm the installation. When the program is activated, the operation screen will appear.
Refer to “3. Names and Functions of the Operation Screen”
To uninstall (delete) each program, activate the uninstall program in the application start menu.