1.1.1VanLink System Features
This system enables several operations of the ENG vehicle to be controlled remotely from the broadcast studio including such key functions as:
•Remote tracking of vehicle heading and location including locations of all vehicles that are mutually equipped with VanLink
•Troll MC17 Master Controller with Graphic User Interface featuring the control page and GPS enabled screen MAP
•Transmitter antenna control including pan and tilt for azimuth and elevation feedback
•Optional roof mount or mast mount of the GPS/IMU to minimize EMI interference
•Automatic tracking of the HD signal with
Troll Systems V750 Remote Site Controller communicating with van IMU GPS and Magnetometer while coordinating with preprogrammed site latitude and longitudinal data for accurate signal tracking in real time
T O U C H S T A R 7S 5 0
Figure 1–2. VanLink IMU Configuration
User Manual
VanLink System featuring TouchStar™ Technology - Troll Systems Corporation