Comprehensive Monitoring
You will find a full range of monitoring and control systems, communications modules designed to interface Liebert equipment with a variety of building management systems, plus
11.1Enterprise Monitoring Systems
SiteScan Web is a comprehensive critical systems monitoring solution dedicated to ensuring reliabil- ity through graphics, event management and data extrapolation. The standard Web interface allows users easy access from anywhere at anytime.
•Single- and
•Event management and unit control.
•Trend and historical data captures and reporting.
•Full ASHRAE BACnet compatibility.
•Java based.
•Windows 2000 and XP compatible.
Liebert SiteLink®
•Connectivity to building management systems using Modbus and BACnet.
Liebert Site I/O™
•Integrates sensors and contacts.
Liebert Site TPI™
11.2Network Monitoring Systems
The Liebert IntelliSlot® line of products leverages
Liebert IntelliSlot Web/485 Card With Adapter
•Monitoring option available for Liebert precision air conditioning units.
•Web interface for viewing and control.
•Modbus interface for building management systems.
•SNMP interface for network management systems.
Liebert Nform™
•Centralized monitoring of all Liebert SNMP enabled devices.
•Event and alarm management.
•Adaptable and configurable graphical user interface.
•Integration of
•Windows NT, 2000 and XP compatible.
11.3Stand-Alone Monitoring and Leak Detection Solutions
Autonomous microprocessor controlled modules are available to provide supervision, control and remote notification of Liebert equipment. These
Contact Closure Alarm Panels
•Continuously monitor critical support equipment and instantly notify on alarm condition.
Autochangeover Control Panels
•Sequence the operation of multiple environmental units.