Xerox 5 manual Job Name, Job Status, Pages Distilled Pages Split Files Generated, VIPO-41

Page 41

Job Name

The name of the job you submitted. When the job is complete, you can display the job files generated via VIPO Web by clicking the Job Name link for the desired job. Clicking a displayed file link causes the file to be displayed on your system; how it is displayed depends on how your system is configured to handle the various file types.

Job Status

The Job Status of your submitted job is displayed in this part of the table. If the job failed or did not process properly, this entry will contain an explanation of the failure, including information about errors and how VIPO handled the job.

Pages Distilled

The total number of pages created in PDF format.

Pages Split

The number of pages split in the job. A split file may have more than one page within it. For example, an original PDF containing three bookmarks is split into three PDF files. If each split PDF file consists of four pages, the total of the split pages is twelve.

Files Generated

The number of files generated by your job.

VI PDF Originator User’s Guide

FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)


Image 41 Contents
User’s Guide Page Table of contents Using Vipo and Adobe Distiller Using Vipo WebUsing lpr to submit Vipo jobs VIPO-4Using Vipo Services Using Vipo DispatchIndex VIPO-5VIPO-6 VIPO-7 VIPO-8 VIPO-9 Vipo Server and ClientVIPO-10 Using the Vipo Local ServerVIPO-11 File menu optionsVIPO-12 Job Selection menu optionsHelp menu options Window elements Using the Vipo Job Submission ClientTitle bar Menu barVipo job status area Job creation areaFunction buttons VIPO-14Data File Init Nub File Job creation area field descriptionsCurrent Profile VIPO-15User Name Job TypeJob Server Output FolderVIPO-17 Output Filename Template Index File TemplateVIPO-18 Profile filesVIPO-19 Template syntaxBKMARKx..yFn DFNAMEx..yFnFS=‘char’ DIGITS=nVIPO-21 Add Data FilenameAdd Bookmark CancelAdd File Split Count Add Field SeparatorVIPO-23 Specifying an index fileVIPO-24 VIPO-25 Field separatorVIPO-26 BFS=‘c’Header Field Separator Template field descriptionsBookmark Field Separator VIPO-27VIPO-28 Using the Vipo Watched Folders ClientVIPO-29 Watched folders list Title bar Menu barWatched folder details area Status areaVIPO-31 Adding watched foldersVIPO-32 File ready checkVIPO-33 Command line options for the Vipo Watched Folders ClientVIPO-34 Bulk ProcessingVIPO-35 Accessing Vipo via your web browserVIPO-36 VIPO-37 Job Submission/View/Retrieval Job Submission upper frame Current Profile Load/Save Data FileOutput Filename Template Create Index File Template Create VIPO-38VIPO-39 Submit JobRefresh Status VIPO-40 Job Submission lower frameAction Job Status Job NamePages Distilled Pages Split Files Generated VIPO-41VIPO-42 Change PasswordAdministration VIPO-43 User AdministrationVIPO-44 Changing passwordsVIPO-45 Server AdministrationVIPO-46 VIPO-47 Cluster AdministrationVIPO-48 VIPO-49 VIPO-50 VIPO-51 Basic Authentication Quick StepDisable Basic Authentication VIPO-52 Web browser notesVIPO-53 Using Vipo and Adobe DistillerVIPO-54 Acrobat Distiller versions prior to Adobe Distiller and fontsAcrobat Distiller 6.0 and later ExampleVIPO-56 Assigning a Distiller job options fileVIPO-57 Using the Vipp Bookmark commandVIPO-58 Extended bookmarksVIPO-59 Using VI Project ContainersVIPO-60 VIPO-61 Lpr command syntax for WindowsVIPO-62 Parameter definitionsVIPO-63 Parameter defaultsExample lpr job submissions VIPO-64 VIPO-65 Using Vipo DispatchVIPO-66 Dispatch filtersVIPO-67 Dispatch Rule filesVIPO-68 RuleVars RuleNameDataFileTemplate VIPO-69TimeOut CommandTemplateLogStdOut LogStdErrRetValTriggerTrumpsStdoutStderr FailOnErrorRetValTrigger VIPO-71VIPO-72 StdOutTriggerStdErrTrigger AutoRun PostProcessCommandTemplate=...command stringRunPostProcessCmd=true/false VIPO-73Rule file variable references System built-in macrosExamples VIPO-74VIPO-75 Special Character Sequences in CSV and XML Index FilesVIPO-76 Vipo Dispatch windowPending Jobs Eligible Jobs Ineligible Jobs Conflict JobsSelect Dispatch Rule View IndexRecord Field NamesCompleted Jobs Held JobsRelease Job Review Job StatusHide Dispatcher File menuPause Dispatcher Save LogfileFilter Filename Edit menuSet Active Filter Delete FileEdit ResetAdd DeleteVIPO-84 OK/CancelVIPO-85 VIPO-86 Rule FilenameVIPO-87 DefaultClear Clear Display Trace menuJob Selection Loop Job Selection TraceVIPO-89 Using Vipo Dispatch a simple exampleSetbufsize VIPO-90VIPO-91 \temp\temp.txtVIPO-92 $ccVIPO-93 VIPO-94 VIPO-95 VIPO-96 VIPO-97 DefinitionsVIPO-98 ConstraintsVIPO-99 IndexVIPO-100 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 7/2006 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 7/2006 VIPO-101 Page