Xerox 5 manual Job Type, User Name, Job Server, Output Folder, Printer Action

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the current VIPO user (as selected in the Job Submission Client dialog). However, you may browse any other directories on the VIPO Client system for loading or saving profiles, including the virtual printers profile directory located in the VIPO<server_root>/Profiles folder.

For more information, see “Profile files.”

Job Type

Select one of these job types:

Distill Only

Distill and Split into Pages — Requires that bookmarks be present in the VIPP job (via the BOOKMARK command). If bookmarks are not present in the VIPP job, the job will be processed successfully, however, no splitting will occur.

Split into Pages Only — PDF files that must contain one or more bookmark.

User Name

Enter the user name. This will most often be the logon name of the current user (default_user is used by lpr and is not normally used from within the Job Submission Client).

Job Server

Select either local (Server is installed on your local workstation and is using your workstation's CPU and disk resources) or remote (use a network VIPO Server's CPU and disk resources).

Output Folder

Select the destination folder for the job. These are “named” folders, meaning that you do not browse for a path on your disk(s), but choose from named directories that you or an administrator already created in a special pre-designated location under control of the VIPO Server.

Printer Action

Conditional action of optional job printing is selected. Select one of these options:

print_always — Sends the job to the selected printer no matter what the outcome of the VIPO job submission.

print_if_job_completes — Sends the job to the selected printer only if it successfully completes to VIPO.

Printer for VIPP Job Output

Specify the printer for printing the job that was submitted to VIPO for processing. If you do not want the job to print, select none.

Only PostScript printers will be listed. You must ensure that the VI Interpreter is installed on the printer selected for VIPP job output, as well as any resources the VIPP job may need.

VI PDF Originator User’s Guide


FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)

Image 16 Contents
User’s Guide Page Table of contents Using Vipo Web Using Vipo and Adobe DistillerUsing lpr to submit Vipo jobs VIPO-4Using Vipo Dispatch Using Vipo ServicesIndex VIPO-5VIPO-6 VIPO-7 VIPO-8 Vipo Server and Client VIPO-9Using the Vipo Local Server VIPO-10File menu options VIPO-11 Help menu options Job Selection menu options VIPO-12 Using the Vipo Job Submission Client Window elementsTitle bar Menu barJob creation area Vipo job status areaFunction buttons VIPO-14Job creation area field descriptions Data File Init Nub FileCurrent Profile VIPO-15Job Type User NameJob Server Output FolderOutput Filename Template Index File Template VIPO-17Profile files VIPO-18Template syntax VIPO-19DFNAMEx..yFn BKMARKx..yFnFS=‘char’ DIGITS=nAdd Data Filename VIPO-21Cancel Add BookmarkAdd File Split Count Add Field SeparatorSpecifying an index file VIPO-23VIPO-24 Field separator VIPO-25BFS=‘c’ VIPO-26Template field descriptions Header Field SeparatorBookmark Field Separator VIPO-27Using the Vipo Watched Folders Client VIPO-28VIPO-29 Title bar Menu bar Watched folders listWatched folder details area Status areaAdding watched folders VIPO-31File ready check VIPO-32Command line options for the Vipo Watched Folders Client VIPO-33Bulk Processing VIPO-34Accessing Vipo via your web browser VIPO-35VIPO-36 Job Submission upper frame Job Submission/View/RetrievalVIPO-37 Data File Current Profile Load/SaveOutput Filename Template Create Index File Template Create VIPO-38Refresh Status Submit JobVIPO-39 Action Job Submission lower frameVIPO-40 Job Name Job StatusPages Distilled Pages Split Files Generated VIPO-41Administration Change PasswordVIPO-42 User Administration VIPO-43Changing passwords VIPO-44Server Administration VIPO-45VIPO-46 Cluster Administration VIPO-47VIPO-48 VIPO-49 VIPO-50 Disable Basic Authentication Basic Authentication Quick StepVIPO-51 Web browser notes VIPO-52Using Vipo and Adobe Distiller VIPO-53VIPO-54 Adobe Distiller and fonts Acrobat Distiller versions prior toAcrobat Distiller 6.0 and later ExampleAssigning a Distiller job options file VIPO-56Using the Vipp Bookmark command VIPO-57Extended bookmarks VIPO-58Using VI Project Containers VIPO-59VIPO-60 Lpr command syntax for Windows VIPO-61Parameter definitions VIPO-62Example lpr job submissions Parameter defaultsVIPO-63 VIPO-64 Using Vipo Dispatch VIPO-65Dispatch filters VIPO-66Dispatch Rule files VIPO-67VIPO-68 RuleName RuleVarsDataFileTemplate VIPO-69CommandTemplate TimeOutLogStdOut LogStdErrFailOnError RetValTriggerTrumpsStdoutStderrRetValTrigger VIPO-71StdErrTrigger StdOutTriggerVIPO-72 PostProcessCommandTemplate=...command string AutoRunRunPostProcessCmd=true/false VIPO-73System built-in macros Rule file variable referencesExamples VIPO-74Special Character Sequences in CSV and XML Index Files VIPO-75Vipo Dispatch window VIPO-76Pending Jobs Eligible Jobs Conflict Jobs Ineligible JobsSelect Dispatch Rule View IndexRecord Field NamesHeld Jobs Completed JobsRelease Job Review Job StatusFile menu Hide DispatcherPause Dispatcher Save LogfileEdit menu Filter FilenameSet Active Filter Delete FileReset EditAdd DeleteOK/Cancel VIPO-84VIPO-85 Rule Filename VIPO-86Clear DefaultVIPO-87 Trace menu Clear DisplayJob Selection Loop Job Selection TraceUsing Vipo Dispatch a simple example VIPO-89VIPO-90 Setbufsize\temp\temp.txt VIPO-91$cc VIPO-92VIPO-93 VIPO-94 VIPO-95 VIPO-96 Definitions VIPO-97Constraints VIPO-98Index VIPO-99VIPO-100 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 7/2006 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 7/2006 VIPO-101 Page