printer control codes 46
printing problem 35
causes and solutions 34 dark printing 37 erratic operation 39 excessive noise 35 hot printer case 36 incorrect characters 38 left margin movement 38 line spacing 35 malformed graphics 36 no printing 34 overprinting lines 36 paper feed 35
power supply 34 print quality 36
printing past paper edge 37 smudged forms 37 sudden stoppage 39 wrong number of lines 36
RAM Usage 22
ribbon cartridge installing 5 removing 6 taking up slack in 5
setup printer 1
specifications 41
Strobe Timing
Normal 23
Reverse 23
system software settings Windows 39
top of form clearing 18 setting 18
troubleshooting 32 guide 34
unidirectional printing 22 unpacking 2
Zero style
Normal 24
Slashed 24