This instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of the following standards:
EN61326 (1998) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use. Test limits used were:
a)Radiated: Class B
b)Conducted: Class B
c) Harmonics:
EN61326 (1998) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use.
Test methods, limits and performance achieved were:
According to EN61326 the definitions of performance criteria are:
Performance criterion A: ‘During test normal performance within the specification limits.’
Performance criterion B: ‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance which is
Performance criterion C: ‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance which requires operator intervention or system reset occurs.’
Where Performance B is stated it is because DC Output regulation may deviate beyond Specification limits under the test conditions. However, the possible deviations are still small and unlikely to be a problem in practice.
Note that if operation in a high RF field is unavoidable it is good practice to connect the PSU to the target system using screened leads which have been passed (together) through an absorbing ferrite sleeve fitted close to the PSU terminals.
To ensure continued compliance with the EMC directive observe the following precautions:
a)after opening the case for any reason ensure that all signal and ground connections are remade correctly and that case screws are correctly refitted and tightened.
b)In the event of part replacement becoming necessary, only use components of an identical type, see the Service Manual.