IBM AS/400 manual High-performance routing, HPR architecture option sets

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At the primary end of the pipe is a Dependent LU Server (DLUS). At the secondary end of the pipe is a Dependent LU Requester (DLUR). DLUS and DLUR support the activation and deactivation of dependent physical units (PUs) and logical units (LUs) in the APPN network. The pipe consists of a pair of LU 6.2 conversations where two APPC applications (DLUR and DLUS) exchange dependent SNA SSCP flows. The flows are encapsulated in a general data stream (GDS) variable and sent in LU 6.2 logical records. The pair of conversations that are used to transmit encapsulated SNA is called the CP-SVR Pipe.

To configure DLUR, see the page Configuring Dependent LU Requester.

High-performance routing

High-Performance Routing (HPR) is the evolution of Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN). HPR enhances APPN data routing performance and reliability, especially when using higher-speed lower-error links.

To support high-speed communications facilities, certain changes to the APPN architecture are required. These are necessary to allow switching in intermediate nodes to be done at a lower layer and to enable faster switching than in base APPN support. HPR changes the existing APPN intermediate session routing by using automatic network routing (ANR), which maximizes the storage and processing requirement in intermediate nodes. Each outbound packet has a predetermined path through the network so that intermediate routing nodes need not remember anything about HPR sessions that flow through them. Intermediate routing nodes in HPR simply route data that is based on information that is contained within the packet itself.

The HPR function can operate under a base architecture, or can operate under the base architecture plus options. There are performance capabilities available under the Tower RTP option not available with the base. The page, HPR architecture option sets can give you a more thorough explanation of what architecture option is right for you.

HPR architecture option sets

HPR-base option: Its primary function is to provide automatic network routing (ANR). Products that only use this function can participate as intermediate nodes in one or more rapid-transport protocol (RTP) connections. This type of implementation cannot be an end point of an RTP connection.

An addition to the base option is HPR Link-Level Error Recovery. A system that supports high-speed links does not always require link-level error recovery. It is optional because when link-level error recovery is eliminated there can be faster communications when using high-quality data transmission.

RTP Tower Option: Implementations that support this option can act as an endpoint and are able to transport logical unit (LU) to LU session traffic across HPR networks by using RTP connections. An RTP connection can only be made between two systems that support RTP. That is, there can only be a mix of systems in a given RTP connection’s path through the network (ones that only support the HPR base option and ones that support the HPR tower option). However, there is the stipulation that at least the two end points in the path support the HPR tower option. Otherwise, APPN is used.

Note: An implementation that has the RTP Tower Option also supports the base option. These systems can run as intermediate systems in the path.

Internetwork packet exchange support

If your group or business has an established Novell LAN, you can connect AS/400 into your business using the OS/400 Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX).

Chapter 9. Networking concepts 89

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Contents ERserver Page ERserver Page Contents Troubleshooting communications problems Part 1. Getting started with AS/400 communications Version Print this topic Version Creating a line description Configuring AS/400 for communicationsCreating a network interface description Creating a network server descriptionVersion Improving wide area network performance Adjusting WAN protocols for optimum AS/400 performanceAdjusting the WAN line speed for optimum AS/400 performance Optimizing communications performanceWAN line speed considerations for IOPs Improving local area network performance Adjusting LANs for optimum communications performanceAdjusting LAN lines for optimum communications performance Improving data path performance LAN line speed considerations for IOPsAddcmne SBSDlibname/sbsname DEVdevname* MODEmodename Set up the communication entries Example Communications subsystem configurationMixing interactive and batch jobs on a WAN line Example Interactive subsystem configurationCommunications performance considerations for batch jobs AnyNet communications for the AS/400 system Setting up the AnyNet environmentPerformance considerations for AnyNet communications Qusrwrk SubsystemsVersion Distributed data management DDM Communications applicationsUser written Appc applications Version Communications applications Version Matching AS/400 parameters for a host system Communicating with host systemsSSAP/DSAP/remote-adapter-address Name Ssap Sapaddr Maxframe Group MaxdataRmtcpname Vtamlst Sscpname Rmtnetid Vtamlst NetidLocpwd Dfhtct Bindpwd Mode Modeent LogmodeLcllocname Dfhtct Netname Locadr LocaddrCosd Modeent COS Examples Connecting AS/400 to a host systemAS/400 Host Definition AS/400 Prompt Modd Modeent LogmodeCommunicating with host systems Version Communicating with host systems Version Configuring the device descriptions Configuring dependent LU requester DlurConfiguring the host controller description Version Adrinsert Communicating with a remote AS/400 systemAS/400 Remote AS/400 AS/400 Prompt AdptadrAS/400 Remote AS/400 AS/400 Prompt Parameter Dsap Ssap X25DCECnnnbr Netadr CnnpwdRmtnetid Lclnetid InlcnnLinkpcl Rmtcpname LclcpnameConnecting one AS/400 to another AS/400 system Version Communicating with a remote AS/400 system Version Matching AS/400 parameters for 5494 controllers Communicating with remote workstation controllersRmtnetid AS/400 5494 Prompt AS/400 Parameter Field Subfield ValueLAN RmtcpnameLinktype LAN AS/400 5494 Prompt AS/400 Parameter Field SubfieldMatching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by Ethernet AS/400 5494 Prompt Parameter Field Subfield Value Version LAN Adptadr Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by Sdlc Prompt Parameter Field Subfield AS/400 Value AS/400Field Subfield AS/400 Value Communicating with remote workstation controllers Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by Linktype Example Connecting AS/400 to a 5494 controller connected byIBM 5494 Remote Control Unit Planning Guide, GA27-3936 Netlvl DftpktsizeLinkpcl Qllc EllcField Subfield Value AS/400 5494 PromptCommunicating with remote workstation controllers Questions 3174 AS/400 Configuration PromptMatching AS/400 parameters for 3x74 controller Matching AS/400 parameters for a 3174 controller3174 AS/400 Configuration Prompt Parameter Questions Control Unit Address Switched Short-Hold ModeMatching AS/400 parameters for a 3274 controller NRZ or Nrzi EncodingPrompt Parameter Number Example Connecting an AS/400 to a 3174 control unit3274 AS/400 Matching AS/400 parameters for 470x finance controllers Matching AS/400 parameters for finance controllersAS/400 AS/400 Prompt Parameter Macro Macro Parameter Matching AS/400 parameters for Fbss finance controllersAS/400 AS/400 Prompt PC address Switched lineService access point for PC Line modeData Link Control Service access point for Host/37xx/4700Identification block and Identification number Matches the Fbss Identification numberMatching AS/400 parameters for retail controllers Example Connecting AS/400 to a finance networkAS/400 Definition AS/400 Prompt Parameter Statement Matching AS/400 parameters for 3651 retail controllersAS/400 Parameter Sdlclin Bit Bit Value AS/400 Definition AS/400 Prompt3684 AS/400 Definition Prompt Matching AS/400 parameters for 3684 retail controllers3684 AS/400 Definition Prompt Parameter SNBU*YES MODEMRATE*FULL Matching AS/400 parameters for 4680/4690 Line parameterAS/400 Parameter Linecon Bit Bit Value CNN*MP SNBU*NOCNN Exchid parameter specified on the AS/400 Crtctlrtl commandMatching AS/400 parameters for 4680/4690 Link parameter AS/400 Prompt AS/400 Parameter Line ParameterRemote node Hex Wire constant RTS?Matching AS/400 parameters for 4684 retail controllers Local node HexExamples Connecting AS/400 to a 4690 retail controller Version Communicating with remote workstation controllers Version Displaying message queues to solve communication problems Troubleshooting communications problemsQsysarb Job logs and communication problemsQpasvrp Solving communication problems using communications traceTrace option setting System service tools and communication problemsTrace full Solving communication problems using the system problem logSolving communication problems using reason codes Solving communication problems using status informationConsiderations for system tuning during error recovery Using error messages to aid in error recoveryReason Code Reason Description Reason Codes for Rejected Program Start Requests Reason Code Reason Description Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking Networking conceptsDependent LU requester support Advanced program-to-program communicationsInternetwork packet exchange support High-performance routingHPR architecture option sets What is TCP/IP What is Systems Network ArchitectureDistributed data interface network Common networking standardsLocal area network standards ATM on AS/400Token-ring networks Wireless networkFrame relay networks Wide area network standardsAsynchronous communications Binary synchronous communicationsIsdn data link control network Integrated services digital networkSynchronous data link control network Network Version
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