IBM EM78P259N/260N manual

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8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM

The external interrupt has an on-chip digital noise rejection circuit. Input pulse less than 8 system clock time is eliminated as noise. However, in Low Crystal oscillator (LXT) mode the noise rejection circuit is disabled. Edge selection is possible with INTE of CONT. When an interrupt is generated by the External interrupt (when enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from Address 003H. Refer to Word 1 Bits 9 & 8, Section 6.14.2, Code Option Register (Word 1) for digital noise rejection definition

RF and RE are the interrupt status register that records the interrupt requests in the relative flags/bits. IOCF0 and IOCE0 are interrupt mask registers. The global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISI instruction. Once in the interrupt service routine, the source of an interrupt can be determined by polling the flag bits in RF. The interrupt flag bit must be cleared by instructions before leaving the interrupt service routine to avoid recursive interrupts.

The flag (except for the ICIF bit) in the Interrupt Status Register (RF) is set regardless of the ENI execution. Note that the result of RF will be the logic AND of RF and IOCF0 (refer to figure below). The RETI instruction ends the interrupt routine and enables the global interrupt (the ENI execution).

When an interrupt is generated by the Timer clock/counter (if enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from Address 009, 018, 01B, and 01EH (TCC, TCCA, TCCB, and TCCC respectively).

When an interrupt generated by the AD conversion is completed (if enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from Address 00CH.

When an interrupt is generated by the High time / Low time down counter underflow (if enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from Address 012 and 015H (High time and Low time respectively).

When an interrupt is generated by the Comparators (if enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from Address 00FH (Comparator interrupt).

Before the interrupt subroutine is executed, the contents of ACC and the R3 and R4 registers will be saved by the hardware. If another interrupt occurs, the ACC, R3, and R4 will be replaced by the new interrupt. After the interrupt service routine is completed, the ACC, R3, and R4 registers are restored.

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Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007


(This specification is subject to change without further notice)

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Contents EM78P259N/260N Elan Microelectronics Corporation Contents Reset and Wake-up TCC/WDT and PrescalerAnalog-To-Digital Converter ADC 6.111.1 11.211.3 11.4Doc. Version Revision Description DateFeatures General DescriptionBit Microprocessor with OTP ROM Block Diagram Pin AssignmentPin DIP/SOP Pin DIP/SOP/SSOPSymbol Pin No Type Function Pin DescriptionEM78P259NP/M EM78P260NP/M/KM Function Description Operational Registers1 R0 Indirect Address Register 2 R1 Time Clock /CounterEM78P259N/260N Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM Data Memory Configuration Cont5 R4 RAM Select Register Bit 4 TBit Bits 5~0Bit 7 ~ Bit 4 C3 ~ C0 Calibrator of internal RC mode 6 R5 ~ R6 Port 5 ~ Port7 R7 Port Bit 7 ~ Bit8 R8 Aisr ADC Input Select Register 9 R9 Adcon ADC Control Register Bit 3 AdpdRA Adoc ADC Offset Calibration Register RB Addata Converted Value of ADCBit 5 ~ Bit 3 VOF2 ~ VOF0 Offset voltage bits Bit 2 ~ Bit 0 Unimplemented, read as ‘0’RC ADDATA1H Converted Value of ADC RD ADDATA1L Converted Value of ADCRE Interrupt Status 2 & Wake-up Control Register RF Interrupt Status 2 Register 16 R10 ~ R3FAll of these are 8-bit general-purpose registers Special Purpose Registers AccumulatorControl Register 3 IOC50 ~ IOC70 I/O Port Control Register 4 IOC80 Comparator and Tcca Control RegisterBit 7 & Bit 6 Not used Bit 4 & Bit 3 COS1 & COS0 Comparator/OP Select bitsBit 6 Tccben Tccb enable bit 0 = disable Tccb Bit 4 Tccbte Tccb signal edgeTccc signal source Bit 0 Tcccte Tccc signal edgeIOCA0 IR and Tccc Scale Control Register Bit 3 IRE Bit 2 HFBit 1 LGP Bit 0 IrouteIOCB0 Pull-down Control Register IOCC0 Open-Drain Control RegisterBit PD57 PD56 PD55 PD54 PD53 PD52 PD51 PD50 Bit OD67 OD66 OD65 OD64 OD63 OD62 OD61 OD60IOCD0 Pull-high Control Register IOCE0 WDT Control & Interrupt Mask RegistersBit PH57 PH56 PH55 PH54 PH53 PH52 PH51 PH50 Lpwtif interrupt enable bit = Disable Lpwtif interrupt= Enable Lpwtif interrupt IOCF0 Interrupt Mask Register12 IOC51 Tcca Counter 13 IOC61 Tccb Counter14 IOC71 TCCBH/MSB Counter 15 IOC81 Tccc Counter16 IOC91 Low Time Register IOCA1 High Time RegisterIOCB1 High/Low Time Scale Control Register IOCC1 TCC Prescaler Counter Bit 2 ~ Bit 0 LTS2 ~ LTS0 Low time scale bitsTCC prescaler counter can be read and written to TCC/WDT and Prescaler I/O Ports MUXI/O Port and I/O Control Register Circuit for P60 /INT I/O Port and I/O Control Register Circuit for Port 50 ~ P57 Reset and Wake-up Reset and Wake-up OperationUsage of Port 5 Input Change Wake-up/Interrupt Function Wake-up Wake-up and InterruptEM78P259N/260N Select Segment Signal Sleep Mode Normal Mode Comparator Address Name Reset Type Bit Following summarizes the initialized values for registersName Reset Type Bit HTR7 HTR6 HTR5 HTR4 HTR3 HTR2 HTR1 HTR0 Aisr Controller Reset Block Diagram TcifInterrupt T and P Status under Status R3 RegisterEvent EM78P259N/260N Reti Interrupt Vector Interrupt Status PriorityAnalog-to-Digital Converter ADC ADC Control Register AISR/R8, ADCON/R9, ADOC/RA1.1 R8 Aisr ADC Input Select Register Bit 7 ~ Bit 3 ADE3 Bit 2 ADE21.2 R9 Adcon AD Control Register P54/TCC/VREF Pin Priority High Medium LowP54 While the CPU is operating = ADC is operatingRA Adoc AD Offset Calibration Register ADC Operation during Sleep Mode ADC Data Register ADDATA/RB, ADDATA1H/RC, ADDATA1L/RDADC Sampling Time AD Conversion TimeProgramming Process/Considerations Programming ProcessFollow these steps to obtain data from the ADC Sample Demo Programs Define a General Register Define a Control RegisterADC Control Register Define Bits in AdconAD power on Infrared Remote Control Application/PWM Waveform Generation OverviewFunction Description FcarrierIRE Irout Programming the Related Registers IR/PWM Related Status/Data RegistersAddress Name Bit EM78P259N/260N Timer/Counter Under Tcca Counter IOC51Under Tccb Counter IOC61 Under Tccc Counter IOC81 Comparator Related Tccx Status/Data RegistersExternal Reference Signal Comparator OutputUsing a Comparator as an Operation Amplifier Wake-up from Sleep ModeComparator Interrupt Oscillator Oscillator ModesOscillator Modes ConditionsCrystal Oscillator/Ceramic Resonators Crystal Oscillator TypeFrequency C1pF C2pF External RC Oscillator Mode 18 Serial Mode Crystal/Resonator Circuit DiagramInternal RC Oscillator Mode Internal Drift Rate RC Frequency TemperatureCext Rext Average Fosc 5V, 25C Average Fosc 3V, 25C 40C ~ +85C 3V~5.5V TotalPower-on Considerations External Power-on Reset CircuitProgrammable WDT Time-out Period Residual Voltage Protection VddEM78P259N EM78P260NCode Option Code Option Register WordWord Word1 Bit12 ~ Bit0 Word Bit Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit= Pulses equal to 8/fc s is regarded as signal = Pulses equal to 32/fc s is regarded as signal defaultBit Microprocessor with OTP ROM Bit 3 HLP Bit 2 ~ 0 PR2 ~ PR0 Protect BitsBit 1 & Bit 0 RCM1, RCM0 RC mode selection bits Instruction SetCustomer ID Register Word Following are the EM78P259N/260N instruction set Instruction BinaryMnemonic Operation Status Affected Absolute Maximum Ratings Items RatingDC Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitTa=25 C, VDD=5.0V±5%, VSS=0V Internal RC Drift Rate Voltage Min Typ MaxAD Converter Characteristics Vdd=2.5V to 5.5V, Vss=0V, Ta=25CComparator OP Characteristics Device CharacteristicsVdd = 5.0V, Vss=0V, Ta=25C AC Electrical Characteristic Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitTa=25C, VDD=5V±5%, VSS=0V Timing Diagrams Reset Timing CLK=0AC Test Input/Output Waveform TCC Input Timing CLKS=0Package Type Package Information18-Lead Plastic Dual in line Pdip 300 mil Package Type Pin Count Package Size18-Lead Plastic Small Outline SOP 300 mil 838Lead Plastic Shrink Small Outline Ssop 209 mil 650Lead Plastic Dual-in-line Pdip 300 mil Lead Plastic Small Outline SOP 300 mil Quality Assurance and Reliability Address Trap DetectTest Category Test Conditions Remarks