8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM
"JMP" instruction allows direct loading of the lower 10 program counter bits. Thus, "JMP" allows PC to jump to any location within a page.
"CALL" instruction loads the lower 10 bits of the PC, and then PC+1 is pushed into the stack. Thus, the subroutine entry address can be located anywhere within a page.
"RET" ("RETL k", "RETI") instruction loads the program counter with the contents of the top of stack.
"ADD R2, A" allows a relative address to be added to the current PC, and the ninth and above bits of the PC will increase progressively.
"MOV R2, A" allows loading of an address from the "A" register to the lower 8 bits of the PC, and the ninth and tenth bits (A8 ~ A9) of the PC will remain unchanged.
Any instruction (except “ADD R2,A”) that is written to R2 (e.g., "MOV R2, A", "BC R2, 6", etc.) will cause the ninth bit and the tenth bit (A8 ~ A9) of the PC to remain unchanged.
In the case of EM78P259N/260N, the most significant bit (A10) will be loaded with the content of PS0 in the status register (R3) upon execution of a "JMP", "CALL", or any other instructions set which write to R2.
All instructions are single instruction cycle (fclk/2 or fclk/4) except for the instructions that are written to R2. Note that these instructions need one or two instructions cycle as determined by Code Option Register CYES bit.
6 • | Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007 |
| (This specification is subject to change without further notice) |