Solving computer problems
To create a Recovery Repair diskette
When the operating system cannot boot normally, you can use the Recovery Repair diskette to boot your computer. Make a Recovery Repair diskette and save it for future use. To make a Recovery Repair diskette:
1.Shut down and restart your computer.
2.Attach the external diskette drive to the computer.
3.At the prompt, press F11. (The option to press F11 appears for only a few seconds. You must press F11 quickly.) The Product Recovery program main menu appears.
4.Select System Utilities from the main menu. Press Enter.
5.Select Create a Recovery Repair diskette. Press Enter.
6.Follow the
7.When the process is completed, label your diskette as the Recovery Repair diskette and save it for future use.
To use the Recovery Repair diskette:
1.Shut down and turn off your computer.
2.Attach the external diskette drive to the computer.
3.Insert the Recovery Repair diskette into the drive; then turn on the computer.
4.Follow the
Installing a new operating system and device drivers
If you install a new operating system on your computer, you need to install the ThinkPad® device drivers for it at the same time.
The device drivers are provided in the C:\IBMTOOLS\DRIVERS directory on your hard disk drive. The software applications are provided in the C:\IBMTOOLS\APPS directory on your hard disk drive. Operating system updates are provided in the C:\IBMTOOLS\OSFIXES directory on your hard disk drive. These directories also contain text files explaining how to install the drivers.
Note: If you cannot find the device drivers you need on your hard disk drive, or if you want to receive updates and the latest information about them, refer to the ThinkPad Service & Support Web site. To access this Web site, open Access ThinkPad by pressing the ThinkPad button; then click the Service & Support image on the right of the screen.
For instructions on how to install a new operating system, see the
34ThinkPad® R30 Series Service and Troubleshooting Guide