2.To power on the server, type poweron.
Depending on the setting of the OpenBoot PROM
<POST messages displayed here . . . >
. . .
. . .
3.If necessary, install the Solaris Operating System.
See your Solaris installation documentation, which is available with your Solaris release.
At the ok prompt, boot the Solaris OS by typing the OpenBoot PROM boot command:
ok boot [device]
For the optional device parameter, see the OpenBoot PROM devalias command, which displays the predefined aliases.
After the Solaris Operating System is booted, the login: prompt is displayed.
Installing the Lights Out Management Packages
Three LOM packages needed for a Netra 1290 server:
■SUNWlomu (LOMlite Utilities (usr))
■SUNWlomm (LOMlite manual pages)
■SUNWlomr (LOM drivers)
Chapter 2 Setting Up 47