1740 SHDSL
Destination IP | Destination IP of a packet you wish to filter. |
Destination Mask | Destination Mask of a packet. |
Destination Port | Destination Port of a packet you wish to filter. |
TCP Flag | This field allows you to filter according to a TCP flag. |
([F.S.R.P.A.U] |
Action | This field determines the action the router will take when it receives |
| a packet that corresponds to a filtering rule. It can be set to: |
| allow, to let the packet pass through the filter. |
| deny, to drop the packet. |
| count, which has no effect on whether the packet will be allowed |
| through the filter, causes the packet to be included in the |
| accounting statistics kept by the filter. |
Interface | You can choose to apply this setting to a specific LAN or ATM |
| interface. This function is called Packet Binding. |
| Packet Binding is a function that can be used when we have |
| multiple Virtual Channels (VC) and we are utilizing IP Packet |
| Filtering. In some cases, we may not wish to apply the packet |
| filtering to all VCs. In this case, we can bind IP packet filtering to a |
| VC. This means that filtering will only be applied to the bound VC, |
| and thus the remaining VCs will not filter packets. |
Direction | This field determines whether the rule applies to Inbound, |
| outbound or both directions |
6.1.2Delete a Packet Filter entry
To delete an entry, select an entry from the list, and click on Delete.
6.1.3Enable/Disable Packet Filter
If you wish to Enable or Disable the Packet Filter, click Enable or Disable and click on the Apply button.
38 | July 2004 |