MA Series Operations
Bin Name
Click on the Bin Name or the thumbnail image above it to display contents of that bin. The name is from the bin’s metadata.
Description entered in the bin’s metadata.
The User’s rights determine which of these actions are available, see User Admin on page 36.
edit bin metadata
•Add, change, or delete the bin’s metadata. Refresh page to see changes.
•Display list of media in the bin.
•Upload graphic file to display as bin’s thumbnail image.
delete this bin
• Delete the bin and its contents from the MA server.
This Procedure Permanently Deletes Files. There is no undo for this procedure.
merge bin with ...
•Specify a target bin to merge with.
•MA server moves the contents from the current bin to the target bin.
•Once empty, the current bin is deleted.
create media now
•Use this function to create an archive immediately, without meeting default burn setting criteria: e.g. 70% of archive disc has not been met.
•Immediately burns content to an archive disc, provided it does not conflict with a scheduled burn. ProxSysMA Services manual settings are used.
•Uses Administrator predefined media settings, see Create media now
MA Series Media Archive Servers