Overview of MA Server Workflow
Overview of MA Server Workflow
The MA Series Media Archive Server is a desktop workstation/server that:
•Uploads high resolution video clips and associated metadata
•Creates low resolution proxy preview files for later reference
•Stores preview files and metadata in MA server database for search and reference
•Burns high resolution content to single- and
In addition, the MA server provides the ability to:
•Add or edit existing video metadata
•List archived video files in a shortlist to use for search and retrieval
•Output the shortlist as a PDF or printed reference document
The MA server workflow involves three primary steps:
•Select media for transfer
•Optionally add or edit metadata
•Upload content to MA server
•Optionally edit metadata
•Burn content (high resolution video and proxy preview files) to single- and
•Store archive discs
3.Search and Retrieve Content (Shortlist):
•Search for metadata and preview clips in online MA storage
•Play preview clips
•Optionally edit metadata,
•Select content to retrieve (creating shortlist)
•Publish shortlist as PDF file or printout
•Retrieve content using shortlist
Ingest Video Clips
Ingest is the process that involves the transfer of video clips from the video device’s storage media to digital files stored on the MA server. The Ingest process is controlled with the ProxSys Media Upload Utility and performed from the MA server or a computer with network access to the server. The MA server can ingest clips from local or networked hard drives and a variety of solid state media, such as P2,
SxS Pro and Compact Flash (CF) cards.
Ingesting P2 Cards: Amount Stored Versus Maximum File Size
•The MA server can ingest and support files sizes of up to and including 50GB.
•When ingesting content from a storage device, like a P2 card, the total size of the content stored on the card is not important so long as no single clip exceeds 50GB in size.
MA Series Media Archive Servers