Texas Instruments TMS320DM36X manual Host Free Buffer Tracking, Receive Channel Teardown

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2.11.5Host Free Buffer Tracking

The host must track free buffers for each enabled channel (including unicast, multicast, broadcast, and promiscuous), if receive QOS or receive flow control is used. Disabled channel free buffer values are do not cares. During initialization, the host should write the number of free buffers for each enabled channel to the appropriate receive channel n free buffer count registers (RXnFREEBUFFER). The EMAC decrements the appropriate channel’s free buffer value for each buffer used. When the host reclaims the frame buffers, the host should write the channel free buffer register with the number of reclaimed buffers (write to increment). There are a maximum of 65,535 free buffers available. RXnFREEBUFFER only needs to be updated by the host if receive QOS or flow control is used.

2.11.6Receive Channel Teardown

The host commands a receive channel teardown by writing the channel number to the receive teardown register (RXTEARDOWN). When a teardown command is issued to an enabled receive channel, the following occurs:

Any current frame in reception completes normally.

The TDOWNCMPLT flag is set in the next buffer descriptor in the chain, if there is one.

The channel head descriptor pointer is cleared to 0.

A receive interrupt for the channel is issued to the host.

The corresponding receive channel n completion pointer register (RXnCP) contains the value FFFF FFCh.

Channel teardown may be commanded on any channel at any time. The host is informed of the teardown completion by the set teardown complete (TDOWNCMPLT) buffer descriptor bit. The EMAC does not clear any channel enables due to a teardown command. A teardown command to an inactive channel issues an interrupt that software should acknowledge with an FFFF FFFCh acknowledge value to RXnCP (note that there is no buffer descriptor in this case). Software may read RXnCP to determine if the interrupt was due to a commanded teardown. The read value is FFFF FFFCh, if the interrupt was due to a teardown command.

2.11.7Receive Frame Classification

Received frames are proper (good) frames, if they are between 64 bytes and the value in the receive maximum length register (RXMAXLEN) bytes in length (inclusive) and contain no code, align, or CRC errors.

Received frames are long frames, if their frame count exceeds the value in RXMAXLEN. The RXMAXLEN reset (default) value is 5EEh (1518 in decimal). Long received frames are either oversized or jabber frames. Long frames with no errors are oversized frames; long frames with CRC, code, or alignment errors are jabber frames.

Received frames are short frames, if their frame count is less than 64 bytes. Short frames that address match and contain no errors are undersized frames; short frames with CRC, code, or alignment errors are fragment frames. If the frame length is less than or equal to 20, then the frame CRC is passed, regardless of whether the RXPASSCRC bit is set or cleared in the receive multicast/broadcast/promiscuous channel enable register (RXMBPENABLE).

A received long packet always contains RXMAXLEN number of bytes transferred to memory (if the RXCEFEN bit is set in RXMBPENABLE), regardless of the value of the RXPASSCRC bit. Following is an example with RXMAXLEN set to 1518:

If the frame length is 1518, then the packet is not a long packet and there are 1514 or 1518 bytes transferred to memory depending on the value of the RXPASSCRC bit.

If the frame length is 1519, there are 1518 bytes transferred to memory regardless of the RXPASSCRC bit value. The last three bytes are the first three CRC bytes.

If the frame length is 1520, there are 1518 bytes transferred to memory regardless of the RXPASSCRC bit value. The last two bytes are the first two CRC bytes.

If the frame length is 1521, there are 1518 bytes transferred to memory regardless of the RXPASSCRC bit value. The last byte is the first CRC byte.

46 Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC)/Management Data Input/Output SPRUFI5B –March 2009 –Revised December 2010


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© 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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Contents Users Guide Submit Documentation Feedback Mdio Registers Mdio Version Register Version Mdio Control Register Control Appendix a Appendix BList of Figures Transmit Interrupt Mask Set Register Txintmaskset List of Tables MAC Control Register Maccontrol Field Descriptions Read This First Related Documentation From Texas Instruments Related Documentation From Texas Instruments Features Purpose of the PeripheralFunctional Block Diagram Emac and Mdio Block DiagramClock Control Industry Standards Compliance StatementMII Clocking Memory Map Signal DescriptionsMedia Independent Interface MII Connections Signal Type Description Emac and Mdio Signals for MII InterfacePin Multiplexing Ethernet Frame Description Ethernet Protocol OverviewEthernet Frame Format Field Bytes DescriptionPacket Buffer Descriptors Ethernet’s Multiple Access ProtocolProgramming Interface WordBasic Descriptor Description Field Field DescriptionTransmit and Receive Descriptor Queues Transmit and Receive Emac Interrupts Transmit Buffer Descriptor Format Example 1. Transmit Buffer Descriptor in C Structure FormatBuffer Offset Next Descriptor PointerBuffer Pointer Buffer LengthEnd of Queue EOQ Flag End of Packet EOP FlagOwnership Owner Flag Teardown Complete Tdowncmplt FlagReceive Buffer Descriptor Format Receive Buffer Descriptor FormatExample 2. Receive Buffer Descriptor in C Structure Format Buffer Length CRC Error Crcerror Flag Code Error Codeerror FlagAlignment Error Alignerror Flag Jabber FlagBus Arbiter Emac Control ModuleInternal Memory CPUTransmit Pulse Interrupt Interrupt ControlReceive Pulse Interrupt Miscellaneous Pulse Interrupt Receive Threshold Pulse InterruptInterrupt Pacing Mdio Clock Generator Mdio ModuleMdio Module Components Global PHY Detection and Link State MonitoringActive PHY Monitoring PHY Register User AccessMdio Module Operational Overview Writing Data To a PHY Register Initializing the Mdio ModuleReading Data From a PHY Register Example of Mdio Register Access Code Example 3. Mdio Register Access MacrosReceive DMA Engine Emac ModuleEmac Module Components Receive FifoReceive Address Clock and Reset LogicMAC Receiver Transmit DMA EngineEmac Module Operational Overview Receive Control Media Independent Interface MIIData Reception Receive Inter-Frame IntervalCollision-Based Receive Buffer Flow Control Ieee 802.3x-Based Receive Buffer Flow ControlAdaptive Performance Optimization APO Transmit ControlCRC Insertion Interpacket-Gap IPG EnforcementTransmit Flow Control Speed, Duplex, and Pause Frame SupportPacket Receive Operation Receive DMA Host ConfigurationReceive Channel Enabling Receive Address Matching Hardware Receive QOS SupportReceive Channel Teardown Host Free Buffer TrackingReceive Frame Classification Receive Frame Treatment Summary Promiscuous Receive ModeReceive Frame Treatment Middle of Frame Overrun Treatment Receive OverrunMiddle of Frame Overrun Treatment Receive and Transmit Latency Transmit DMA Host ConfigurationPacket Transmit Operation Transmit Channel TeardownSoftware Reset Considerations Reset ConsiderationsTransfer Node Priority Enabling the EMAC/MDIO Peripheral Hardware Reset ConsiderationsInitialization Emac Control Module InitializationExample 4. Emac Control Module Initialization Code Mdio Module Initialization Example 5. Mdio Module Initialization CodeEmac Module Initialization Receive Threshold Interrupts Interrupt SupportEmac Module Interrupt Events and Requests Transmit Packet Completion InterruptsReceive Packet Completion Interrupts Host Error Interrupt Statistics InterruptLink Change Interrupt User Access Completion InterruptMdio Module Interrupt Events and Requests Proper Interrupt ProcessingEmulation Control Power ManagementEmulation Considerations Soft Free DescriptionAcronym Register Description Emac Control Module RegistersSlave Vbus Bit Field Value DescriptionEmac Control Module Emulation Control Register Cmemcontrol Emac Control Module Software Reset Register CmsoftresetSoftreset Soft FreeIntpaceen Emac Control Module Interrupt Control Register CmintctrlIntprescale Rxthreshen RxpulseenTxpulseen Bit Field Statpendinten Hostpendinten Linkinten UserintenStatpendinten Rxthreshinttstat RxpulseinttstatTxpulseinttstat 31-8 Reserved TXPULSEINTTSTATnStatpendintstat Hostpendintstat Linkintstat Userintstat StatpendintstatRximax TximaxManagement Data Input/Output Mdio Registers Mdio Version Register VersionMdio Version Register Version Field Descriptions Mdio Control Register Control Mdio Control Register Control Field DescriptionsPHY Acknowledge Status Register Alive Field Descriptions PHY Acknowledge Status Register AlivePHY Link Status Register Link PHY Link Status Register Link Field Descriptions31-2 Reserved Will clear the event and writing a 0 has no effect No Mdio user command complete event USERINTMASKED0 and USERINTMASKED1 correspond to USERACCESS0 W1S-0 Mdio User Command Complete Interrupt Mask Clear Register Mdio User Command Complete Interrupt Mask Clear RegisterMdio User Access Register 0 USERACCESS0 Mdio User Access Register 0 USERACCESS0 Field DescriptionsPhyadrmon Mdio User PHY Select Register 0 USERPHYSEL0Linksel Linkintenb LinkselMdio User Access Register 1 USERACCESS1 Mdio User Access Register 1 USERACCESS1 Field DescriptionsMdio User PHY Select Register 1 USERPHYSEL1 Mdio User PHY Select Register 1 USERPHYSEL1Ethernet Media Access Controller Emac Registers Offset Acronym Register Description Network Statistics Registers Transmit Control Register Txcontrol Transmit Identification and Version Register TxidverTransmit Control Register Txcontrol Field Descriptions Transmit Teardown Register Txteardown Field Descriptions Transmit Teardown Register TxteardownTxtdnch Rxmajorver Rxminorver Receive Identification and Version Register RxidverRxident RxmajorverReceive Control Register Rxcontrol Field Descriptions Receive Control Register RxcontrolReceive Teardown Register Rxteardown Receive Teardown Register Rxteardown Field DescriptionsTransmit Interrupt Status Unmasked Register Txintstatraw TX7PENDTransmit Interrupt Status Masked Register Txintstatmasked Transmit Interrupt Status Masked Register TxintstatmaskedTransmit Interrupt Mask Set Register Txintmaskset TX7MASKTransmit Interrupt Mask Clear Register Txintmaskclear Transmit Interrupt Mask Clear Register TxintmaskclearMAC Input Vector Register Macinvector Field Descriptions MAC Input Vector Register MacinvectorMAC End Of Interrupt Vector Register Maceoivector StatpendReceive Interrupt Status Unmasked Register Rxintstatraw RX7PENDReceive Interrupt Status Masked Register Rxintstatmasked Receive Interrupt Status Masked Register RxintstatmaskedReceive Interrupt Mask Set Register Rxintmaskset RX7MASKReceive Interrupt Mask Clear Register Rxintmaskclear Receive Interrupt Mask Clear Register RxintmaskclearMAC Interrupt Status Masked Register Macintstatmasked MAC Interrupt Status Unmasked Register MacintstatrawHostpend Statpend Hostmask Statmask MAC Interrupt Mask Set Register MacintmasksetMAC Interrupt Mask Clear Register Macintmaskclear HostmaskRxcsfen Rxcefen Rxcafen Rxpasscrc Rxqosen RxnochainRxcmfen RxpromchFrames containing errors are filtered Receive multicast channel select Receive Unicast Enable Set Register Rxunicastset RXCH7ENReceive Unicast Clear Register Rxunicastclear Receive Unicast Clear Register RxunicastclearReceive Buffer Offset Register Rxbufferoffset Receive Maximum Length Register RxmaxlenReceive Maximum Length Register Rxmaxlen Field Descriptions Rxfilterthresh Receive Channel 0-7 Free Buffer Count Register RXnFREEBUFFER MAC Control Register Maccontrol MAC Control Register Maccontrol Field DescriptionsLoopback TxflowenRxbufferflowen FullduplexMAC Status Register Macstatus MAC Status Register Macstatus Field DescriptionsRxqosact Emulation Control Register Emcontrol Field Descriptions Emulation Control Register EmcontrolFifo Control Register Fifocontrol Fifo Control Register Fifocontrol Field DescriptionsMAC Configuration Register Macconfig Field Descriptions MAC Configuration Register MacconfigSoft Reset Register Softreset Soft Reset Register Softreset Field DescriptionsMAC Source Address Low Bytes Register Macsrcaddrlo MAC Source Address High Bytes Register MacsrcaddrhiMAC Hash Address Register 1 MACHASH1 Field Descriptions MAC Hash Address Register 1 MACHASH1MAC Hash Address Register 2 MACHASH2 MAC Hash Address Register 2 MACHASH2 Field DescriptionsTransmit Pacing Algorithm Test Register Tpacetest Back Off Test Register BofftestBack Off Test Register Bofftest Field Descriptions Receive Pause Timer Register Rxpause Field Descriptions Receive Pause Timer Register RxpauseTransmit Pause Timer Register Txpause Transmit Pause Timer Register Txpause Field DescriptionsValid Matchfilt Channel MACADDR0 MACADDR1 MAC Address Low Bytes Register MacaddrloMAC Address Low Bytes Register Macaddrlo Field Descriptions ValidMAC Index Register Macindex Field Descriptions MAC Address High Bytes Register MacaddrhiMAC Index Register Macindex MACADDR2 MACADDR3 MACADDR4 MACADDR5TXnHDP Transmit Channel 0-7 Completion Pointer Register TXnCP Receive Channel 0-7 Completion Pointer Register RXnCPBroadcast Receive Frames Register Rxbcastframes Network Statistics RegistersGood Receive Frames Register Rxgoodframes Multicast Receive Frames Register RxmcastframesPause Receive Frames Register Rxpauseframes Receive CRC Errors Register RxcrcerrorsReceive Alignment/Code Errors Register Rxaligncodeerrors Receive Oversized Frames Register RxoversizedReceive Frame Fragments Register Rxfragments Receive Jabber Frames Register RxjabberReceive Undersized Frames Register Rxundersized Filtered Receive Frames Register RxfilteredGood Transmit Frames Register Txgoodframes Receive QOS Filtered Frames Register RxqosfilteredReceive Octet Frames Register Rxoctets Broadcast Transmit Frames Register TxbcastframesTransmit Collision Frames Register Txcollision Pause Transmit Frames Register TxpauseframesDeferred Transmit Frames Register Txdeferred Transmit Single Collision Frames Register TxsinglecollTransmit Late Collision Frames Register Txlatecoll Transmit Underrun Error Register TxunderrunTransmit Carrier Sense Errors Register Txcarriersense Transmit Octet Frames Register TxoctetsSubmit Documentation Feedback Network Octet Frames Register Netoctets Receive DMA Overruns Register RxdmaoverrunsAppendix a Glossary Physical Layer Definitions Term DefinitionDocument Revision History Reference Additions/Modifications/DeletionsDSP Products ApplicationsRfid
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