Paxar 9860 manual Glossary G-3

Page 105


A printer protocol that uses TCP/IP to establish connections


between printers on a network. Also known as Line Printer


Daemon/Line Printer Remote.

MAC Address or

A hardware address (6-byte) that uniquely identifies each node

Media Access

of a network. The MAC address is set during manufacturing


and does not change. Also, two Network Interface Cards (NIC)


will not have the same value.


MSCHAPv2 is the Microsoft® version of CHAP. It is a three-


way handshake protocol that is more secure than PAP. It


provides mutual authentication between devices.





NIC or

An adapter (board or card) that can be inserted into a device,


so the device can be connected to a network. The NIC

Interface Card

converts data from the device into the form transmitted or


received from the network


A processing location on a network. The location can be a


workstation, computer, or printer. Each Node has a unique


MAC address.


This allows any device to authenticate and then attempt to


communicate with the access point. Any wireless device can


authenticate with the access point, but if WEP is used, the


device can communicate only if its WEP keys match the access


point's. There is no challenge that occurs, you either have the


correct key or not when you communicate with the access


point. By eliminating the challenge process, it actually makes


this more secure than shared key authentication.

PAP (Password

A simple authentication protocol used with PPP (Point-to-Point


Protocol). It is a plain text password system, which is not very




The location of a particular file or directory that includes the


full path to the needed filename or directory. This is a


combination of path and filename.

PEAP (Protected




Authenticates clients into a network using only server-side certificates, which makes implementing and administering a wireless LAN easier.


A way to determine if a device is accessible. It sends a packet


to the specified address and waits for a reply.


This is the way two devices transmit data between each other,


including error checking, data compression, and how messages


start and end.

Glossary G-3

Image 105
Contents Monarch Printers Trademarks Getting Started B L E O F C O N T E N T SUsing the WEB Interface Specifications Page T T I N G S T a R T E D E r v i e wD i e n c e S t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s I n g T h i s M a n u a lP p o r t e d N e t w o r k P r o t o c o l s P p o r t e d O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m sT t i n g U p t h e P r i n t S e r v e r E c k i n g t h e P r i n t S e r v e r H a r d w a r e LED Indicators Status R i f y i n g S u c c e s s f u l InstallationGetting Started Description O u t P r i n t M o d e R e a d yMonarchNet 2 Network Status I n t i n g a C o n f i g u r a t i o n L a b e l10MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions Options are listed in the table below D I P S E T T I N G SC a d d r e s s V i n g S e t t i n g sA d d r e s s B n e t M a s k G a t e w a y O t M e t h o d R e l e s s Option Choices Signal StrengthSsid Wireless Mode Point Density Transmit Rate Channel Fault N e t w o r k Description Default Factory DefaultsS t L a b e l L S e t t i n g s 18MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions I N G a W E B B R O W S E R G g i n g I n Using a Web Browser N f i g u r i n g t h e P r i n t e r Changing the Printer Setup Do not use extended backfeed on non-knife printers Changing the System Setup S e t / I n i t i a l i z e N e t w o r k N f i g u r i n g t h e N e t w o r k S e t t i n g s Changing TCP/IP Settings Enter the Secondary DNS Server’s IP address Changing Snmp Settings Enter the System Location Changing Wireless Settings Using a Web Browser Using WEP Configuring Certificates Setting Alerts Enter the Mail Server Port Enter the Mail Domain Name Receiving An AlertA d i n g t h e V i r t u a l P a n e l I n g C u s t o m C o m m a n d s A n g i n g t h e P a s s w o r d Enter the Current Password Enter the New PasswordUsing a Web Browser Enter the Tftp Server IP Address D a t i n g F i r m w a r eEncryption Method Type Algorithm Size Description Bits S i c S e c u r i t y C o n f i g u r a t i o n sSee the following table of acceptable combinations N S O L E C O M M a N D S N v e n t i o n s C e s s i n g T e l n e t C o n s o l e M o d eKeyval Auto Help set L p C o m m a n d sChksum EN/DI Help set ipN e r a l C o m m a n d s ExitEXIT/D SET SET DefaultInit SaveSET SERVIce servicename protocol EN/DI SET PROTect passwordSET SERVIce servicename BOT nn SET SERVIce servicename EOT nnSET PRN Firmware SET PRN Reset UNPROTect T u p C o m m a n d sUptime ZEroPage SET PRN QUEuecontrol REpeat SHow PRN MONetary MOnetarysign/ SEcondarysign/ DEcimaldigitsSHow PRN STOrage FORmats format # or ALl SHow PRN STOrage FLashSHow PRN STOrage FONts CLear PRN STOrage FLashSHow PRN SUPply SYncsupply SET PRN SCRipts LOad/ ENable/ DISable/ DeleteSET PRN SCRipts ENQpollbeforescript IMmcmdbeforscript value SET PRN VERifier STate/ SCanbeam/ CAbledetect value2 1 b / g W i r e l e s s C o m m a n d s SET ENSET EN Apden LOW/MED/HI SET EN Inap PAP/MSCHAPV2 SET EN Mode IN/ADCountry Description Code SET EN REGDOMain countrycodeP / I P C o m m a n d s SET IP FTP EN/DI SET IP Banner EN/DISET IP Http EN/DI SET IP LPD EN/DISET IP TCP EN/DI SET IP Range EN/DI/ALLSET IP Telnet EN/DI SET IP Tftp EN/DII D C o m m a n d s M P C o m m a n d sI n g t h e N e t w o r k P a c k e t Syntax N,number,action,device,name ConcmdsExample N,1,A,T,mystore Set ip me static Init Exit 24MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions I N G T H E S M a R T R E L a Y S T E M O u t t h e P r i m a r y P r i n t e r I t i a l S m a r t R e l a y S e t u p P r o c e d u r e sO u t t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r N n e c t i n g t h e P r i n t e r s N f i g u r i n g t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r I n g t h e S m a r t R e l a y T e l n e t C o m m a n d sSET PRN RELay PORt None/S2 SET PRN RELay COUNTer NONE0-9999 SET PRN RELay FILter OFF/NONE/RFID/NONRFIDSET PRN RELay POS 0-2400 Example SET PRN REL POR S2O u t t h e S m a r t R e l a y C o u n t e r Example SET PRN REL CountExample SET PRN REL POS 10 Smart Relay collation field SET PRN REL Count NoneI n t i n g a T e s t L a b e l TroubleshootingProblem Action Operating Instructions N e r a l Troubleshooting I n f o r m a t i o n Troubleshooting Ping ip address i.e. ping C h n i c a l S u p p o r t 8MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions Specification S 2 Specification sT i o n a l 8 0 2 1 b / g Specification s T i o n s Absolute Pathname O S S a R YGLeap Glossary G-3 PSK Glossary G-5 WPA2 D E Mpcl Tcpip Iv MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions