Paxar 9860 manual

Page 72

SHow PRN BATchoptions {CLearfields/ NUmberofparts/

CUTOption/ CUTMultiple/ CUTLTicketprompt/

CUTAfterbatchprompt/ NOCutbeforeprompt/

CUTLStripprompt/ PRintmultiple/ QUantity}

Shows the specified batchoptions parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the batchoptions category.

SET PRN COMmunication [BAudrate/ WOrdlength/ STopbits/ PArity/ FLowcontrol/ PPort/ PMode] value

Sets the specified communication parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN COMmunication {BAudrate/ WOrdlength/ STopbits/ PArity/ FLowcontrol/ PPort/ PMode}

Shows the specified communication parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings for all parameters in the communication category.

SET PRN CONtrolcharacters [STartheader/ PAramseparator/ QUotedstrings/ FIeldseparator/ ENDheader DAtaescape/ IMmediatecmd/ ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/ JObterminator] value

Sets the specified control character to the specified value. Setting the immediate command character enables immediate commands; setting the ENQ status request character enables ENQ status polling.

SHow PRN CONtrolcharacters {STartheader/

PAramseparator/ QUotedstrings/ FIeldseparator/

ENDheader/ DAtaescape/ IMmediatecmd/

ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/ JObterminator}

Show the specified control character’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the control characters category.

CLear PRN CONtrolcharacters [DAtaescape/

IMmediatecmd/ ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/


Clears the specified control character. Clearing the immediate command character disables immediate commands. Clearing the ENQ status request character disables ENQ status polling.

4-12MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions

Image 72
Contents Monarch Printers Trademarks B L E O F C O N T E N T S Getting StartedUsing the WEB Interface Specifications Page T T I N G S T a R T E D E r v i e wD i e n c e I n g T h i s M a n u a l S t e m R e q u i r e m e n t sP p o r t e d O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m s P p o r t e d N e t w o r k P r o t o c o l sT t i n g U p t h e P r i n t S e r v e r E c k i n g t h e P r i n t S e r v e r H a r d w a r e R i f y i n g S u c c e s s f u l Installation LED Indicators StatusGetting Started O u t P r i n t M o d e R e a d y DescriptionI n t i n g a C o n f i g u r a t i o n L a b e l MonarchNet 2 Network Status10MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions D I P S E T T I N G S Options are listed in the table belowV i n g S e t t i n g s C a d d r e s sA d d r e s s B n e t M a s k G a t e w a y O t M e t h o d R e l e s s Signal Strength Option ChoicesSsid Wireless Mode Point Density Transmit Rate Channel Fault N e t w o r k Factory Defaults Description DefaultS t L a b e l L S e t t i n g s 18MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions I N G a W E B B R O W S E R G g i n g I n Using a Web Browser N f i g u r i n g t h e P r i n t e r Changing the Printer Setup Do not use extended backfeed on non-knife printers Changing the System Setup S e t / I n i t i a l i z e N e t w o r k N f i g u r i n g t h e N e t w o r k S e t t i n g s Changing TCP/IP Settings Enter the Secondary DNS Server’s IP address Changing Snmp Settings Enter the System Location Changing Wireless Settings Using a Web Browser Using WEP Configuring Certificates Setting Alerts Receiving An Alert Enter the Mail Server Port Enter the Mail Domain NameA d i n g t h e V i r t u a l P a n e l I n g C u s t o m C o m m a n d s Enter the Current Password Enter the New Password A n g i n g t h e P a s s w o r dUsing a Web Browser D a t i n g F i r m w a r e Enter the Tftp Server IP AddressS i c S e c u r i t y C o n f i g u r a t i o n s Encryption Method Type Algorithm Size Description BitsSee the following table of acceptable combinations N S O L E C O M M a N D S N v e n t i o n s C e s s i n g T e l n e t C o n s o l e M o d eKeyval Auto L p C o m m a n d s Help setHelp set ip Chksum EN/DIN e r a l C o m m a n d s ExitEXIT/D SET Default SETInit SaveSET PROTect password SET SERVIce servicename protocol EN/DISET SERVIce servicename BOT nn SET SERVIce servicename EOT nn SET PRN Firmware SET PRN Reset T u p C o m m a n d s UNPROTectUptime ZEroPage SHow PRN MONetary MOnetarysign/ SEcondarysign/ DEcimaldigits SET PRN QUEuecontrol REpeatSHow PRN STOrage FLash SHow PRN STOrage FORmats format # or ALlSHow PRN STOrage FONts CLear PRN STOrage FLashSET PRN SCRipts LOad/ ENable/ DISable/ Delete SHow PRN SUPply SYncsupplySET PRN SCRipts ENQpollbeforescript IMmcmdbeforscript value SET PRN VERifier STate/ SCanbeam/ CAbledetect value2 1 b / g W i r e l e s s C o m m a n d s SET ENSET EN Apden LOW/MED/HI SET EN Mode IN/AD SET EN Inap PAP/MSCHAPV2SET EN REGDOMain countrycode Country Description CodeP / I P C o m m a n d s SET IP Banner EN/DI SET IP FTP EN/DISET IP Http EN/DI SET IP LPD EN/DISET IP Range EN/DI/ALL SET IP TCP EN/DISET IP Telnet EN/DI SET IP Tftp EN/DIM P C o m m a n d s I D C o m m a n d sI n g t h e N e t w o r k P a c k e t Syntax N,number,action,device,name ConcmdsExample N,1,A,T,mystore Set ip me static Init Exit 24MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions I N G T H E S M a R T R E L a Y S T E M I t i a l S m a r t R e l a y S e t u p P r o c e d u r e s O u t t h e P r i m a r y P r i n t e rO u t t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r N n e c t i n g t h e P r i n t e r s N f i g u r i n g t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r I n g t h e S m a r t R e l a y T e l n e t C o m m a n d sSET PRN RELay PORt None/S2 SET PRN RELay FILter OFF/NONE/RFID/NONRFID SET PRN RELay COUNTer NONE0-9999SET PRN RELay POS 0-2400 Example SET PRN REL POR S2O u t t h e S m a r t R e l a y C o u n t e r Example SET PRN REL CountExample SET PRN REL POS 10 SET PRN REL Count None Smart Relay collation fieldTroubleshooting I n t i n g a T e s t L a b e lProblem Action Operating Instructions N e r a l Troubleshooting I n f o r m a t i o n Troubleshooting Ping ip address i.e. ping C h n i c a l S u p p o r t 8MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions Specification S 2 Specification sT i o n a l 8 0 2 1 b / g Specification s T i o n s O S S a R YG Absolute PathnameLeap Glossary G-3 PSK Glossary G-5 WPA2 D E Mpcl Tcpip Iv MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions