I n i t i a l S m a r t R e l a y S e t u p P r o c e d u r e s
Follow these steps as listed or errors may occur.
1.Connect the printers. See “Connecting the Printers,” for more information.
2.Turn on the partner printer.
3.Configure the Partner Printer. See “Configuring the Partner Printer,” for more information.
4.Turn off the partner printer.
5.Turn on the primary printer.
6.Configure the Primary Printer. See “Using the Smart Relay Telnet Commands,” for more information.
7.Turn off both printers.
8.Turn on the primary printer. Wait until you see "Smart Relay Ready," then turn on the partner printer.
9.Send your data.
A b o u t t h e P r i m a r y P r i n t e r
The primary printer
♦must be a 9855 printer using MonarchNet2 software
♦can have only one partner
♦connects to the partner printer using a serial cable. You cannot use the optional external keyboard with the primary printer.
Note: There is no
For maximum efficiency, the primary printer should print the majority of the supplies. If you print more RFID supplies than