33 - iRIS 220 / iRIS 320, V1.19 User Guide
Option 2
When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter a name for the sensor (maximum 10 characters). This name will be displayed on the iRIS 320 LCD sensor screens.
> Name (max 10)=
Option 3
When this option is selected you will be prompted to enter a number representing the processing mode.
> Mode (0..3)=
Valid modes are:
Mode | Name | Description |
0 | Instant | Logs only the most recent sample |
1 | Full Period Average | Logs the average of all samples taken over the logging period |
2 | Event | (Only valid for pulse input sources) Logs only |
| If the logging rate is 0, then any pulse is logged immediately. |
| If the logging rate is > 0, then the total accumulated in the period is |
| logged only if it is not zero. In this mode, if there was no sample |
| logged at the last expected log time, a zero sample is also logged, |
| time stamped with last expected log time/date. This is required for |
| time series management purposes. |
3 | Vector Average | Logs the average of all samples taken over the logging period, but |
| (for Wind Direction) | uses vector calculations to calculate the average. |
After selecting the mode, you will then be prompted to configure the extended datalogging options by entering in a number that represents a set of option “flags”.
> Flags (+1:Min +2:Max +4:Dev +8:Flow)=
The number entered is the sum of the extended logging options that you want to enable. See the table below for a listing of all the valid options.
Flag Value 1 = Log Minimum Value sampled in log period Flag Value 2 = Log Maximum Value sampled in log period Flag Value 4 = Log Standard Deviation of samples in log period
Flag Value 8 = Log calculated Flow Rate over log period (only for sensors with a pulse source 3,4,5 or 6)
Flag Value | Description |
0 | No additional logging |
1 | Log Minimum |
2 | Log Maximum |
3 | Log Minimum and Maximum |
4 | Log Standard Deviation |
5 | Log Minimum and Standard Deviation |
6 | Log Maximum and Standard Deviation |
7 | Log Minimum, Maximum and Standard Deviation |
8 | Log Flow Rate |
9 | Log Minimum and Flow Rate |
10 | Log Maximum and Flow Rate |
11 | Log Minimum, Maximum and Flow Rate |
12 | Log Standard Deviation and Flow Rate |
13 | Log Minimum, Standard Deviation and Flow Rate |
14 | Log Maximum, Standard Deviation and Flow Rate |
15 | Log Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation and Flow Rate |