5-4-5-1. Aggregator setting
System Priority: A value used to identify the active LACP. The switch with the lowest value has the highest priority and is selected as the active LACP.
1.Group ID: There are seven configurable trunk groups. Choose the "group id" and click "Get".
2.LACP: If enabled, the group is a LACP static trunking group. If disabled, the group is a local static trunking group. All ports support LACP dynamic trunking groups. If connecting to a device that also supports LACP, the LACP dynamic trunking group will be created automatically.
3.Work ports: A maximum of four ports can be aggregated at the same time. In a LACP static trunking group, the excess ports are on standby and able to aggregate if and when work ports fail. In a local static trunking group, the number must be the same as the group member ports.
4.Selects which ports join the trunking group. A maximum of four ports can be aggregated at the same time.
5.If LACP is enabled, you can configure LACP Active/Passive status for each port on the State Activity page.
6.Click Apply.
5-4-5-2. Aggregator Information
This page facilitates the configuration of the LACP aggregator.