MAC Filtering Setting
The MAC Filtering pages are used to filter service to clients attempting to access the Internet based on protocol type, destination/source MAC address, and the direction of traffic for each packet.
Web Smart switch interface
To configure MAC Address Filtering:
1.Click Security, MAC Address, MAC Address Filtering.
2.Specify the MAC address to be filtered.
3.Specify the VLAN ID.
4.Select to filter the MAC address as the source, destination, or both.
5.Set a name to describe the filter.
6.Click Add.
Figure 35: MAC Filtering Setting
The following parameters are shown on the LLDP Neighbors page.
■MAC Address - Physical address of a device.
■VLAN ID - The ID of a configured VLAN
■Filter - Filter traffic matching the MAC address in packets. (Options: Source MAC, Destination MAC, Both; Default: Source MAC)
■Destination MAC - Filter packets with a matching destination MAC address.
■Source MAC - Filter packets with a matching source MAC address.
■Both - Filter packets with a matching the source or destination MAC address.
■Name – A descriptive name for the MAC address filter.