Upgrading the BayStack 450 Switch Firmware
The BayStack 450 switch firmware provides a code load facility that allows you to upgrade the firmware image over any switch port, including any MDA ports.
You must upgrade the BayStack 450 switch firmware image before you install the BayStack
Note: When upgrading the firmware image to software version V1.1.0, you must download two images (the boot code image and the agent image) for proper operation of the switch. The new boot code image must be downloaded before the agent image is downloaded.
Accessing the Firmware Images
You can access the firmware image files directly on the World Wide Web, as follows:
1.Go to support.baynetworks.com/software/ethernet/ baystack_450.html
2.Under the Operational Software heading, click on Version 1.1.0 at the BayStack 450 boot code link.
Follow the prompts to download the BayStack 450 boot code image. The boot code image filename is b4501101.img