Entering and Debugging Programs
Relative addresses are limited to 1MB (5 digits), regardless of the range of the closest offset register.
Port Numbers
Some 197Bug commands give the user the option to choose the port to be used to input or output. Valid port numbers which may be used for these commands are:
4 |
These logical port numbers (0 and 1) are shown in the pinouts of the MVME197 module as “SERIAL PORT 1” and “SERIAL PORT 2”, respectively. Physically, they are all part of connector P2.
Entering and Debugging Programs
There are various ways to enter a user program into system memory for execution. One way is to create the program using the Memory Modify (MM) command with the assembler/disassembler option. The program is entered by the user one source line at a time. After each source line is entered, it is assembled and the object code is loaded to memory. Refer to the MVME197BUG 197Bug Debugging Package User’s Manual for complete details of the 197Bug Assembler/Disassembler.
Another way to enter a program is to download an object file from a host system. The program must be in