HotBrick Network Solutions
VPN Policy Setup
| VPN Tunnel List– It shows the tunnels that you have entered. The | |
IPSec Traffic Binding | router can setup up to 20 tunnels | |
Tunnel Name– In order to distinguish the tunnel, you have to give | ||
| ||
| “Tunnel” a name.. | |
| Tunnel – Only enable tunnel check box, the tunnel can be connected. | |
| WAN port – You can choose WAN1, WAN2 or Any to make the VPN | |
| connection. | |
| PPPoE Session– If you are using PPPoE to make the connection, and | |
| some ISP offers multiple PPPoE session, you can select these PPPoE | |
| session to construct VPN tunnels. | |
| Local Identity Type – You can either choose your Local WAN IP or | |
| Domain name, Distinguished Name as your local identity. | |
Traffic Selector | Service– Protocol Type: You can choose either TCP/UDP/ICMP/GRE | |
| protocol as your connection protocol. By default the protocol type is | |
| “Any”. | |
| Local Security Network– These entries identify the private network on | |
| this VPN router, the hosts of which can use the | |
| connection. You can choose a single IP address, the subnet, or a | |
| selected IP range to make VPN | |
| Remote Security Network– These entries identify the private network | |
| on the remote peer VPN router whose hosts can use the | |
| connection. You can choose a single IP address, the subnet, or a | |
| selected IP range to make VPN connection | |
| Remote Security Gateway – You can either select remote side | |
| domain name or remote side IP address (WAN IP address) as your | |
| remote side security gateway. | |
Security Level | Encryption Method – It specifies the encryption mechanism to use. | |
| Data encryption makes the data unreadable if intercepted. There are | |
| three encryption method available; DES/3DES and AES. The default | |
| is null. | |
| Authentication – It specifies the packets authentication mechanism to | |
| use. Packets authentication proves that data comes from source you | |
| think it comes from. There are three authentications available. MD5, | |
| SHA1 and SHA2. |
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