Test Mode
*Disable Enable
Cutter Enable *Disable
Ribbon Saver Enable *Disable
*Decimal Metric
Comm Setup *PORTA *9600 *8 *N *1 *BOTH
Control Codes
*Standard Codes Alternate Codes
Causes the printer to send debug characters back to the host. See Appendix E for listings.
Controls an external cutter mechanism.
Enables an external cutter.
Cutter not being used.
Controls the optional Ribbon Saver feature. Enables the option.
Option is not installed or disabled.
Sets standard or metric measurement, automatically updating all operations with the new selection. Measurements in inches
Measurements in millimeters
Allows the user to select communication values for each port.
Selects the port and sets parameters.
Selects serial Port A, B or Parallel communication. Selectable serial baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.
Sets word length: 7 or 8 bits.
Sets parity bit: E = even, O = odd, N = none.
Sets stop bit length: 1 or 2 bits.
Selects handshaking method: XON/XOFF, CTS/DTR or BOTH.
Sets the DPL control code values.
01 Hex = SOH command, 02 Hex = STX command 5E Hex = SOH command, 7E Hex = STX command
PE Series Operator’s Manual | 37 |