AMCC 9590SE, 9550SX, 9500S Cx set stagger=nn, Cx set autocarve=onoff, Cx set carvesize=1024..2048

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Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference

/cx set stagger=nn

This command is only for 9000 series controllers.

This command allows you to set a controller-based Disk Spinup Stagger Time Policy that specifies the delay between spin-ups. The value must be a positive integer between 0 to 60 seconds. This policy, in conjunction with Disk Spinup Policy, specifies how the controller should spin up disks at boot time. The default is 6 seconds.

/cx set autocarve=onoff

This command is only for 9000 series controllers.

This command allows you to set the auto-carve policy to on or off. By default, autocarve is off.

When the auto-carve policy is set to on, any unit larger than the carvesize is created or migrated into one or more carvesize volumes and a remaining volume. Each volume can then be treated as an individual disk with its own file system. The default carvesize is 2 TB.

This feature is useful for operating systems limited to 2TB file systems.

For example, using the 2 TB default carvesize, a 3 TB unit will be configured into one 2 TB volume and one 1 TB volume. A 5 TB unit will be configured into two 2 TB volumes and one 1 TB volume.

When auto-carve policy is set to off, all new units are created as a single large volume. If the operating system can only recognize up to 2 TBs, space over 2 TB will not be available.


//localhost> /c0 set autocarve=on

Setting Auto-Carving Policy on /c0 to on ... Done.

/cx set carvesize=[1024..2048]

This command is only for 9000 series controllers.

This command allows you to set the carve size in GB. This feature works together with autocarve. See “/cx set autocarve=onoff” above for details.


//localhost> /c0 set carvesize=2000

Setting Auto-Carving Size on /c0 to 2000 GB ... Done.


3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide

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Contents Command Line Interface 3ware Serial ATA RAID ControllerCopyright Table of Contents 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide Cx/ux set autoverify=onoff 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide About this CLI Guide Introduction to the 3ware Command Line Interface Features of the CLISupported Operating Systems TerminologyTo install 3ware CLI on Windows Installing the 3ware CLIInstalling the 3ware CLI on Windows Permissions Required to Run CLIInstalling the 3ware CLI on Linux and FreeBSD To start CLI, do one of the followingTo use the CLI interactively Using the command interface interactivelyWorking with 3ware CLI Scripting example Using a single command with outputUsing an input file to execute a script Outputting the CLI to a Text File ConventionsUnderstanding RAID Levels and Concepts RAID ConceptsAvailable RAID Configurations RAIDRAID 1 Configuration Example RAID 5 Configuration Example RAID 6 Configuration Example RAID 10 Configuration Example Single Disk JbodDetermining What RAID Level to Use RAID Configuration TypesPossible Configurations Based on Number of Drives Hot SpareUsing Drive Capacity Efficiently Drive CapacitySupport for Over 2 Terabytes Common Tasks Mapped to CLI Commands CLI Syntax ReferenceCLI Syntax Reference Syntax Overview Port TasksC1 add type=raid1 disk=0-1 Shell Object Commands Focus ObjectShow ExampleShow ver Show rebuild Show alarms reverseShow diag Show verify Show selftestCommit FlushRescan Controller Object Commands Cx showCx show Cx show attribute attribute Cx show model Cx show biosCx show driver Cx show firmwareCx show pchip Cx show serialCx show pcb Cx show achipCx show ctlbus Cx show numportsCx show numunits Cx show exportjbodCx show ondegrade Cx show spinupCx show stagger Cx show autocarveCx show carvesize Cx show memoryCx show autorebuild Cx show unitstatusCx show allunitstatus Cx show drivestatusCx show all 3JV3MVTASupported RAID Types Supported Stripe Sizes KB Supported Model-Unit Types for ignoreECC Cx rescan noscan Cx commit Cx flushCx show alarms reverse Cx show diag Cx show rebuildRAID-5 Initializing Cx show verify Cx show selftest Setting Up a Rebuild Schedule Cx add rebuild=dddhhdurationSetting Up a Verify Schedule Cx add verify=dddhhdurationSetting Up a Selftest Schedule Cx add selftest=dddhh Cx del verify=slotid Cx set rebuild=enabledisable1..5 Cx del rebuild=slotid Cx del selftest=slotidCx set verify=enabledisable1..5 Cx set selftest=enabledisable task=UDMASMARTCx set spinup=nn Cx set exportjbod=onoffCx set ondegrade=cacheofffollow Cx set carvesize=1024..2048 Cx set stagger=nnCx set autocarve=onoff Cx set autorebuild=onoff Cx set autodetect=onoff disk=p-pallCx start mediascan Unit Object Commands Cx stop mediascanCx/ux show Cx/ux show verifystatus Cx/ux show statusCx/ux show rebuildstatus Cx/ux show serial Cx/ux show initializestatusCx/ux show name Cx/ux show qpolicyCx/ux show autoverify Cx/ux show storsaveCx/ux show identify Cx/ux show cacheCx/ux show all Cx/ux show volumesCx/ux show ignoreECC Cx/ux remove noscan quiet Cx/ux del noscan quiet Cx/ux start rebuild disk=pp-p...ignoreECCCx/ux resume rebuild Cx/ux start verifyCx/ux pause rebuild Supported RAID Logical Unit Types for VerificationCx/ux set autoverify=onoff Cx/ux stop verifyCx/ux flush Cx/ux set cache=onoff quietSupported RAID Types for Caching Cx/ux set identify=onoffCx/ux set ignoreECC=onoff Cx/ux set storsave=protectbalanceperform quiet Cx/ux set name=stringCx/ux set qpolicy=onoff Example 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide Valid Migration Paths Supported Stripe Sizes Example of capacity expansion Migration ProcessExample of splitting a mirror Example of migrate output Port Object Commands Cx/px showCx/px show serial Cx/px show statusCx/px show model Cx/px show firmwareCx/px show capacity Cx/px show ncqCx/px show lspeed Cx/px show smartCx/px show all Cx/px remove noscan quiet Cx/px set identify=onoffBBU Object Commands Cx/bbu showCx/bbu show attribute attribute Cx/bbu show statusCx/bbu show volt Cx/bbu show batinstCx/bbu show lasttest Cx/bbu show tempCx/bbu show fw Cx/bbu show bootloaderCx/bbu show serial Cx/bbu show pcbCx/bbu test quiet Cx/bbu enableCx/bbu disable quiet Enclosure Object Commands Ex showEx show attribute attribute Ex show controllersEx show temp Ex show slotsEx show fans Ex show allEx/slotx set identify=onoff Ex/slotx showEx/slotx show identify Ex/fanx show Help CommandsHelp with specific commands Ex/tempx showAttribute attribute Help with attributes HelpHelp flush Help updateHelp show Help rescanHelp /cx/ux Help focusHelp /cx Help /cx/pxHelp /ex/fanx Command LoggingReturn Code Help /ex/tempxIf you type