Netac Tech T600 manual Repeater Mode Security Configuration

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Netac AirTrack T600 Mini Wireless Router

To set up the Repeater, the user must enter the MAC address of the Parent AP/Router/Repeater which this Repeater is connected in the Parent MAC Address field.

To link an additional repeater, the user must enter the MAC address of the additional repeater in the Child MAC Address field.

5.2.1 Repeater Mode - Security Configuration

To enable security, select the desired security mode (WEP or WPA) in the Repeater Mode setup page (Figure 5.7) and click the Setup button to enter the configuration page. Under Repeater Mode, you must make sure the security configuration of AP and Network Card are consistent with Repeater in order to communicate with each other. WEP Configuration Page

The Repeater Mode WEP Configuration page is identical to the one for AP Router Mode. Refer to Figure 5.3, "AP Router Mode - WEP Configuration Page" for the details.

Table 5.7 details the WEP configuration.





Table 5.7 Repeater Mode - WEP Configuration





















WEP Length



Select WEP key length: 64 bits or 128 bits.












Select WEP key format: Hexadecimal or ASCII.












Passphrase is used to generate the WEP keys. Click the Generate button to





generate the keys. Click the Clear button to clear the Passphrase field.














Key 1-4



WEP keys.









Default key



Select default WEP key from Keys1-4.




 WPA Configuration Page

The Repeater Mode WPA Configuration page is identical to the one for AP Router Mode. Refer to Figure 5.4, "AP Router Mode - WPA Configuration Page" for the details.

Table 5.8 details WPA configuration.


Table 5.8 Repeater Mode - WPA Configuration








Use PSK (Pre-Shared Keys) authentication only.




Image 23
Contents Netac AirTrack T600 Mini Wireless Router Remarks Radio Frequency Interference Remarks Table of Contents Appendix B Contact Netac Appendix C Glossary Product function ChecklistIntroduction WelcomeAppearances AppearanceUpside Quick Start Default Factory SettingsAP Router Mode Operating Mode OverviewRepeater Mode Repeater Mode Parent/Child MAC Addresses Point-to-Point P2P ModeClient Mode Point-to-Multipoint PMP ModeClient in Infrastructure Mode WEP WPA-PSK Wireless Security SupportAP Router Mode Setup Mode SelectionField Description WEP Configuration AP Router Mode Security ConfigurationAP Router Mode WPA Configuration AP Router Mode Advanced SettingsConnect Repeater AP Router Mode Access Filter MAC Filter List SetupAP Router Mode Access Filter Repeater Mode SetupRepeater Mode Setup Repeater Mode Setup Options Repeater Mode Security Configuration Repeater Mode Access Filter MAC Filter List Setup Repeater Mode Advanced SettingsP2P Mode Setup 11 P2P Mode Setup Options P2P Mode Setup2 P2P Mode Advanced Settings 1 P2P Mode Security Configuration10 P2P Mode Advanced Settings PMP Mode Setup11 PMP Mode Setup 14 PMP Mode Setup Options PMP Mode Security Configuration12 PMP Mode Advanced Settings 16 PMP Mode Advanced Settings PMP Mode Advanced SettingsStation Mode Select 802.11b or 802.11g mode Client Mode Setup14 Client Mode Site Survey 18 Client Mode Site Survey Client Mode Site Survey15 and .19 detail the WEP configuration page for Client Mode Client Mode Security Configuration16 and .20 detail the WPA configuration for Client Mode Status AP Router Mode StatusRepeater Mode Status P2P Mode Status Client Mode Status AP Router Mode Admin AdminReconfirm Password fields and click Apply Same subnet LANNetac AirTrack T600 Mini Wireless Router Access to the device that provides the IP address Same subnet WAN OtherForward DMZ LED SpecificationsMy question is not included in FAQ, what shall I do? Appendix a FAQAppendix B Contact Netac 802.11b Appendix C GlossaryCCK LAN Wlan