Acronyms | Appendix I | |
Hz | Hertz |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
IF | Intermediate Frequency | |
IM | Intermodulation | |
I/O | Input/Output | |
LF | Line Feed | |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifier | |
msb | Most significant bit | |
ms | millisecond | |
MHz | MegaHertz | |
NAVSTAR | Navigation System with Timing and Ranging | |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association | |
ns | nanosecond | |
NVM | Non Volatile Memory | |
OCXO | Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | |
PC | Personal Computer | |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board | |
P Code | Precise Code | |
PDOP | Position Dilution Of Precision | |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service or Pulse Per Second | |
PRN | ||
PVT | Position Velocity Time | |
RAM | Random Access Memory | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
ROM | Read Only Memory | |
RTC | ||
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aviation Services | |
RTCM | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services | |
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