Appendix H | Glossary of Terms |
PDOP - Position Dilution of Precision - A numerical value expressing the confidence factor of the position solution based on current satellite geometry. 3D position (latitude, longitude, height) is unknown. The lower the PDOP value, the greater the confidence factor.
Precise Positioning Service (PPS) - the GPS positioning, velocity, and time service which will be available on a continuous, worldwide basis to users authorized by the U.S. Department of Defense (typically using
Pseudorange - the calculated range from the GPS receiver to the satellite determined by taking the difference between the measured satellite transmit time and the receiver time of measurement, and multiplying by the speed of light. This measurement generally contains a large receiver clock offset error.
Residual - in the context of measurements, the residual is the misclosure between the calculated measurements, using the position solution and actual measurements.
Satellite elevation - the angle of the satellite above the horizon.
Spheroid - sometimes known as ellipsoid; a perfect mathematical figure which very closely approximates the geoid. Used as a surface of reference for geodetic surveys. The geoid, affected by local gravity disturbances, is irregular.
Standard Positioning Service (SPS) - a positioning service made available by the United States Department of Defense which will be available to all GPS civilian users on a continuous, worldwide basis (typically using C/ A code)
SV - Space Vehicle ID, sometimes used as SVID; also used interchangeably with
TDOP - Time Dilution of Precision - A numerical value expressing the confidence factor of the position solution based on current satellite geometry. The lower the TDOP value, the greater the confidence factor.
Undulation - the distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid (spheroid). Also known as geoidal separation, geoidal undulation, geoidal height.
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) - this time system uses the
Update rate - the GPS receiver specification which indicates the solution rate provided by the receiver when operating normally.
VDOP - Vertical Dilution of Precision - A numerical value expressing the confidence factor of the position solution based on current satellite geometry. The lower the VDOP value, the greater the confidence factor.
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