Figure 2.55 SDSReporter About box
SDS Data Tags
SDS Data tags are created so that all of the template information and survey data can automatically be used for the report process. Data that is captured during the survey is summarized to provide the overall results for the report. This can be in the form of a graph, tabular data, text, etc. Data tags have been specifically created to address the uniformity requirements for AMS and other standards. We have tags that address, overshoot, minimum TC with value, maximum TC with value, trend data, tabular data, etc. An example of an output from the data tags can be seen by opening the Example report from the SDS Recorder provided with the installation. The only data not generated from data tags is the tabular print out of the actual temperatures. This data is generated from the Survey TC Data option and will print all data points that are displayed on the graph between the “start” and “stop” selected by the user in the survey.
In the figure below (Output From Data Tags), you can see and example of the data tags for the graph, survey setpoint, minimum and maximum TCs with values and deviation. The data tags used to generate the information below are;
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