Siemens AS 235 appendix Modules from other systems, Selection criteria for I/O modules

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I/O modules


I/O modules from other systems

I/O modules from other systems can be operated on the I/O bus of an AS 235 automation system via existing parallel and serial links (see Section 7).

The following modules can be connected:

SIMATIC S5-115U digital and analog input/output modules, fit- ted in ER 701-1 and ER 701-2 expansion racks

SIMATIC S5-135U/155U digital and analog input/output mod- ules, fitted in EU 183U, EU 184U and EU 187U expansion units

Digital and analog input/output modules of the ET 100U elec- tronic terminator

The respective interface module for the coupling occupies one I/O slot.

These modules are addressed via the driver blocks for analog and binary input/output which are present as standard in the AS 235 automation system. The analog drivers are equipped with special, parameterizable operating modes for SIMATIC S5 modules. Limit monitoring functions in the driver software are used for measured-value monitoring functions which are miss- ing on the SIMATIC S5 modules or which operate with limits other than those common in the TELEPERM M system.

Communication between TELEPERM M and SIMATIC S5/S7 automation systems is possible using the coupling module 6DS1 333-8AB (page 7/8) and the 3964 R/RK 512 procedure.

Selection criteria for I/O modules

There are various criteria for selecting the most suitable I/O mod- ules for a particular application; these criteria must be evaluated depending on the respective application. The selection of either TELEPERM M or SIMATIC S5 modules is made easier for the planning engineer by the following decision criteria:

Preprocessing on the module

Only signal modules from the SIMATIC S5 range without pre- processing (non-intelligent) can be used.

230 V peripherals

In contrast to TELEPERM M, the range of SIMATIC S5 modules also contains input/output modules for signals up to 230 V.

Backup response

In the event of a fault in the automation system, a fault in the coupling, or faults in the expansion unit, SIMATIC modules always enter the safety status (0 V, 0 mA), whereas the plan- ning engineer can select for the TELEPERM M output modules whether the last value is to be retained or whether the safety value is to be output.

Transmitter and measuring range monitoring

The monitoring functions for measuring range limits which are not present in the SIMATIC S5 modules to the same extent as in the TELEPERM M modules are implemented in the special operating modes of the driver blocks in the automation system so that they are also available when using SIMATIC S5 mod- ules.

Power supply, earthing

The different earthing concepts of the two systems must be observed when using TELEPERM M automation systems and SIMATIC S5 expansion units together. An automation system is always part of a so-called "0-V island" which is earthed via a sin- gle connection to the central earthing point (with the central 24-V supply). In the SIMATIC S5 expansion unit, the M potential of each module is directly connected to the frame and via this to the local earth.

In the case of coupling between TELEPERM M automation sys- tems and SIMATIC S5 expansion units, it must be ensured that the screen of the connection cable does not destroy the earthing concept of TELEPERM M. Isolating power supply units must be used in the expansion unit, or DC 24 V/DC 24 V converters with electrical isolation must be provided if necessary.

Lightning protection with distributed configuration

The use of SIMATIC S5 modules in distributed, serially-coupled EU expansion units makes it possible to protect the transmission lines using appropriate overvoltage arresters.


Siemens PLT 111 · 1999

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Contents Teleperm M Introduction Brief descriptionConfiguring Functions of the AS 235 systemSystem data General system dataTechnical data of automation systems Or user-configured with own Configuring System architecturePerformance characteristics Scope of performance TML languageOperation and monitoring Important note Redundancy with AS 235 HRedundancy with the AS 235 H automation system Standard function blocks ConfiguringStandard function blocks Blocks for analog and digital processingBlocks for signal exchange via CS Data blocksDriver blocks for I/O modules Type Designation Function For modules with Order NoDriver blocks for configurable Teleperm ME I/O modules Driver blocks for I/O modules with standardized displayOutput blocks for printer and process monitor Organization blocksSystem architecture Performance characteristics Summary of system properties Redundancy with AS 235 H Configuring Data blocks Driver blocks for I/O modules Driver blocks for configurable Teleperm ME I/O modules Output blocks for printer and process monitor AS 235 K Connection diagramsAS 235 H ES 100 KGeneral GeneralBasic cabinet Basic cabinetAS 235 automation system Basic unitStandard I/O devices Extension unitsPower supply components Bus componentsAS 235 automation system Ordering data for basic cabinetOrdering data Basic cabinet6DS9 002-8BB Options for basic cabinetOptions for AS 235 basic Cabinet See page 6/6Extension cabinet Extension cabinetExtension cabinet Options for AS 235 extension CabinetAS 235 H AS 235 H automation systemAS 235 H automation system, design 6DS3 305-8BA Redundant process I/Os Example of redundancy withInterface modules for 20-m local bus N-AS AS 235 H automation system Options for AS 235 H basic Cabinet AS 235 H extension cabinet System Extension cabinet Ordering data for extension cabinetAS 235 H automation Options for AS 235 H exten Sion cabinetAS 235 K automation system AS 235 KBasic system Basic systemInterface module for ES 100 K AS 235 K automation system, designAS 235 K automation HousingOrdering data for AS 235 K SystemES 100 K extension system ES 100 KES 100 K extension system ES 100 K options Ordering data for ES 100 KES 100 K extension System cabinet accessories Standard cabinets and accessoriesStandard cabinets and accessories Standard cabinetsOrdering data for system cabinet accessories Standard cabinet with heat exchanger Configuring values for thermal loadPermissible thermal loading Design Technical dataStandard cabinets IP 20 without heat exchanger Standard cabinets IP 54 with heat exchanger 12 Standard cabinet with heat exchangerProcess connection systems Connections for process signal cablesProcess connection systems Process connection systemsStandard I/O devices to AS 235 / AS 235 K Connection diagramsConnection diagrams for standard I/O devices to AS AS 235 K Connection of personal computer Connection of personal computerConnection of process monitors and parallel monitors Connection of process monitors and parallel monitorsConnection diagrams for standard I/O devices to AS 235 H Standard I/O devices to AS 235 HConnection diagrams Summary of connecting cables Connecting cable Plug Cable Max. cable Order No From LengthProportioning Counter modules Signal modulesFunction modules Summary General technical data Configurable I/O modulesModules from other systems Power supply, earthingLightning protection with distributed configuration Selection criteria for I/O modulesFunction modules Function modulesClosed-loop control modules Closed-loop control modulesAnalog input and output modules Signal modulesSignal modules Binary input module, testable, 6DS1 618-8CA Binary input and output modulesBinary input and output modules Binary output module with 16 relays, 6DS1 605-8BAProportioning counter module, metering pulse input module STRUK-AS 220 EA configuring programProportioning and counter modules Metering pulse input module with 8 channels, 6DS1 607-8ABModules which can be used on the I/O bus Modules which can be used on the I/O bus6DS1 342-1BD With S5KE Explanations for the column RemarksExplanations for the column Release Operation unit Mode of operationTest mode PBT 65 process operation keyboardConfiguring keyboard Configuring unitConfiguring keyboard Mini floppy disk unit 6DS3 900-8AE Mini floppy disk unitMini floppy disk unit Floppy disksBus communication Local range ApplicationApplication Single remote bus DesignRemote range Bus converter Ul Connector board AF Remote busConnection distributor AV Redundant remote busApplication Other conditions Connecting cables Bus configurationsBus configurations, examples Connecting cables for remote bus Connecting cablesConnecting cables for 20-m local bus Simatic S5 I/Os ET 100U Expansion unitsCentral controllers Interface modules for coupling with other systems, summary Coupling of other systemsParallel coupling with Simatic S5-115U I/O modules Simatic S5 expansion unitsParallel coupling with S5-115U I/O modules Digital output modules Simatic S5-115U I/O modules appropriate for couplingDigital input modules Digital input/output modulesParallel coupling with S5-135U/155U I/O modules Parallel coupling with Simatic S5-135U/155U I/O modulesSimatic S5-135U/155U I/O modules appropriate for coupling Interface module for Simatic S5 expansion units Interface module for Simatic S5 expansion unitsSerial coupling with Simatic S5/S7 central controllers Simatic S5/S7 central controllersSerial coupling With Simatic S5/S7 central controllers Interface module for Simatic S5/S7 central controllers Interface module for Simatic S5/S7 central controllersSimatic S5 I/Os / ET 100U Serial coupling with Simatic S5 I/OsET 100U I/O modules appropriate for coupling Exi modulesInterface module for ET 100U Interface module for ET 100UOrdering of options Ordering of complete systems AS 235 standard configurationOrdering information