A |
About TOSHIBA | |
Account Name | 68 |
Add | 58 |
Add - Contact | 58 |
Add - Group | 58 |
Address Book Viewer | 10, 52 |
Advanced | 62 |
B |
Browse Pane | 55 |
Business Cover Page | 99 |
C |
Change Device | 47 |
Character code setting | 68 |
Client2 | 13 |
Company | 77, 81 |
Condition of search string | 71, 90 |
Contents and Index | 57 |
Contents Pane | 55 |
58 | |
Converting | 57 |
Copy | 56, 58, 79 |
Cover Sheet | 42, 45 |
Cover Sheet Properties | 42 |
D |
Data Source | 69, 71, 88 |
Delayed Fax | 36, 44 |
Delete | 55, 58, 84, 87 |
Department | 77, 81 |
Dept. Code | 36 |
Destinations dialog box | 54 |
Detail Setting | 71, 90 |
Details | 56 |
Device Setting | 56, 61, 64 |
Direct Dial dialog box | 40 |
Directory Server Name | 68 |
Directory service (LDAP) | 68 |
Discovery Settings | 63 |
Display Name | 77, 81 |
Download | 55, 66 |
E |
Edit menu | 56 |
Editing Date | 83 |
69, 88 | |
77, 81 |
Enable IPX/SPX Search | .................................. 63 |
Enable TCP/IP Search | 63 |
Error Correction Mode | 82 |
Exit | 56 |
Export | 74 |
Export - CSV File | 56 |
Export - vCard File | 56 |
F |
Fax | 77, 81 |
Fax Number | 41, 69, 88 |
Fax/Internet Fax | 48 |
Faxing | 32 |
Features and Functions | 10 |
Field Select | 71, 90 |
File Format | 36, 44 |
File menu | 55 |
Find | 56, 69, 70, 88, 89 |
First Name | 77, 81 |
Font Name | 42, 45 |
G |
Group ID | 85 |
Group Name | 85, 86 |
H |
Help | 57 |
I |
Import | 73 |
Import | 56 |
Import | 56 |
Installing |
Client2 | 13 |
TopAccess | 22 |
Internet Account | 67 |
Internet Fax Address | 40 |
Internet Fax Mode | 83 |
IPP printing | 13 |
L |
Large Icons | 56 |
Last Name | 77, 81 |
LDAP Address Book | 67 |
LDAP Setting | 56, 67 |
Line Monitor | 82 |
Line Selection | 82 |
List | 56 |
Log on using Secure Password Authentication 68 |
102 | Network Fax Guide — INDEX |