Rule Name | Please give a name to this QoS rule (up to 15 alphanumerical |
| characters). |
Bandwidth | Set the bandwidth limitation of this QoS rule. You have to select the data |
| direction of this rule (Upload of Download), and the speed of bandwidth |
| limitation in Kbps, then select the type of QoS: “guarantee” (guaranteed |
| usable bandwidth for this rule) or “max” (set the maximum bandwidth for |
| the application allowed by this rule). |
Local IP Address | Specify the local (source) IP address that will be affected by this rule. |
| Please input the starting IP address in the left field, and input the end IP |
| address in the right field to define a range of IP addresses, or just input |
| the IP address in the left field to define a single IP address. |
Local Port Range | Please input the range of local (source) port numbers that will be |
| affected by this rule. If you want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, |
| please input |
| input the port number, such as 80. |
Remote IP Address | Specify the remote (destination) IP address that will be affected by this |
| rule. Please input the starting IP address in the left field, and input the |
| end IP address in the right field to define a range of IP addresses, or just |
| input the IP address in the left field to define a single IP address. |
Remote Port Range | Please input the range of remote (destination) port number that will be |
| affected by this rule. If you want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, |
| please input |
| input the port number, such as 80. If the remote (destination) IP address |
| and /or port number is universal, just leave it blank. |
Traffic Type | Please select the traffic type of this rule, available options are None, |
| SMTP, HTTP, POP3, and FTP. You can select a specific traffic type for |
| this rule, if you want to make this rule as a IP address based rule (apply |
| 59 |