Airlink101 AR570W user manual 3 URL/Keyword Filtering, Enable MAC Filtering, Client PC MAC Address

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Enable MAC Filtering

Check this box to enable the MAC filtering function. Please


select “Deny” or “Allow” to decide the behavior of MAC filtering


table. If you select Deny, all MAC addresses listed in filtering


table will be denied from connecting to the network; if you select


Allow, only MAC addresses listed in filtering table will be able to


connect to the network, and all other network devices are



Client PC MAC Address

Input the MAC address of the devices you want to filter in format



Computer Name

Pull down the menu and all the computers connected to the


router will be listed here. You can easily select the computer


name without checking the IP address of the computer. If you do


not see any computer after you click on the drop-down menu,


select the option “Refresh” and you will be given a list of


computers that are connected to your network


You can input any text here as the comment of this MAC


address, like ‘ROOM 2A Computer’.


Click “Add” button to add the MAC address and associated


comment to the MAC address filtering table.


Remove all inputted values.

Current MAC Filtering Table

From the table, you can check each MAC Address filter setting.


If you want to delete a specific MAC address entry, check the


‘select’ box of the MAC address you want to delete, then click


‘Delete’ button. (You can select more than one MAC addresses).

Delete All

If you want to delete all MAC addresses listed here, please click


‘Delete All’ button.


You can also click ‘Reset’ button to unselect all.



3.4.3 URL/Keyword Filtering

You can block access to certain websites or web contents from local PCs by entering a full URL address or just keywords about the web contents. This filter can help parents to manage the Internet usage for their children (i.e. Parental Control).


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Contents Wireless N 150 Router Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement Table of Contents Troubleshooting Technical Support Features Package ContentsRouter Interface Back Panel WPS Using EZ Setup Wizard Installing the RouterPage Page Dynamic IP Cable Modem users Page Page Congratulations! Your router configuration has been finished Connecting to the Router Wirelessly Page Using Web Configuration Utility Page Time Zone Setup WizardEnable NTP Update Current TimeMAC Address Time Server AddressDaylight Savings Host NamePrimary DNS Secondary DNSUser Name Idle Time Out PasswordService Name Connection TypePptp Gateway PptpBEZEQ-ISRAEL Connection IDUser Name Please input user name assigned by Telstra L2TP GatewayParameterDescription Associated Clients Channel NumberWPA2Mixed Page Network 1 WAN2 LAN Dhcp Server IP addressSubnet Mask 802.1d Spanning TreeDhcp Client End IP Enable Static Dhcp LeasesLease Time Dhcp Client Start IPNAT / Static Routing Destination LAN IP Enable Static RoutingDefault Gateway ResetReset You can also click ‘Reset’ button unselect all DdnsDynamic DNS Password/Key ProviderAccount Wireless Basic SettingsBand Show Active Clients Wireless SecurityEnable 802.1x Authentication EncryptionSee to for each encryption type Encryption Key 1~4 Default Tx KeyKey Length Key FormatWPA Unicast Cipher Suite Pre-shared Key FormatPre-shared Key Radius Server Port Radius Server PasswordMAC Control Radius Server IP AddressEnable MAC Control CommentClear Fragment Threshold Advanced SettingsDtim Period Tx PowerRTS Threshold Beacon Interval5 WPS Page Enable WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup InformationConfig Mode Configure by Pin Code Configure by Push ButtonVirtual Server Port Forwarding Application & GamingSpecial Applications Port Triggering Public PortCurrent Virtual Server Table Add in red box Enable Special ApplicationsTCP/UDP Port to Open Popular Application3 DMZ Current DMZ Table Enable DMZPublic IP Client PC IP addressReset You can also click ‘Reset’ button to unselect all ALG Settings5 QoS Current QoS Table Enable QoSTotal Download Bandwidth Total Upload BandwidthLocal Port Range Rule NameBandwidth Local IP AddressProtocol Deny/Allow Access RestrictionsEnable IP & Port Filtering 1 IP & Port FilteringClient Service Client PC DescriptionPort Range MAC Filtering Current MAC Filtering Table Enable MAC Filtering3 URL/Keyword Filtering Client PC MAC AddressEnable URL Filtering URL/KeywordCurrent URL Blocking Table Firewall SecurityDoS Denial-of-Service Ping of Death L2TP pass through VPN Pass throughIPsec pass through Pptp pass throughTime AdministrationManagement Current PasswordNew Password Confirmed PasswordReset Reboot Remote Management Firmware Upgrade Restore to Factory Default Configuration SettingsBackup Settings Restore Settings6 Log SaveRefresh Statistics LAN Status Wlan Wireless LAN StatusStatus Internet Connection StatusSystem Status Troubleshooting Technical Support