Chapter 10 - WAN Link Protocols | 175 |
To access this dialog box, select Global/Multilink PPP from the Device View. This dialog box defines a list of MPPP bundles and the physical WAN ports that are included in each bundle. To add or modify this list, click on the appro- priate button to open the MPPP Bundle Dialog Box.
MPPP Bundle Dialog Box
>MPPP Bundle Name
This edit box allows you to specify a name for the multilink virtual port.
This checkbox is used to specify whether multilink bundling will function on this router.
>Linked Ports
Check each of the physical WAN ports that you wish to include in the bundle. You must select at least two ports.
>Set as Primary
Select which interface in the bundle should be used by the router to configure the network protocol for the multilink, and click on the Set as Primary button.
Short Sequence Header
This checkbox allows the router to use an abbreviated sequence number in its multilink headers.